Optimization: principles and algorithms, by Michel Bierlaire
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1 %> @file
2 %> \f$F(x_1,x_2)=(x_1 + \cos(x_2) ; -x_1 \sin(x_2))\f$
3 %> @author <a href="http://people.epfl.ch/michel.bierlaire">Michel Bierlaire</a>
4 %> @date Fri Mar 20 16:05:44 2015
5 %> @ingroup Examples
6 %> @ingroup chap10
8 %> Gradient of example 5.8 in \cite Bier15-book
9 function [F,J] = ex0508gradient(x)
10  F = [ x(1) + cos(x(2)) ; -x(1) * sin(x(2)) ] ;
11  J = [ 1 , -sin(x(2)) ; -sin(x(2)),-x(1)*cos(x(2))] ;
12 endfunction
function ex0508gradient(in x)
Gradient of example 5.8 in .
Copyright 2015-2018 Michel Bierlaire