Optimization: principles and algorithms

Bierlaire, M. (2015). Optimization: Principles and Algorithms. EPFL Press.
The numbering of the algorithms, tables and page refer to the book.

Chapter 16: The simplex method

Algorithm 16.1: Vertex enumeration

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
# Define a function simple to call for the inner product
def scalarInner(a,b):
In [2]:
from optimizationExceptions import *
import itertools as itt
def vertexEnumeration(A,b,c):
    m,n = A.shape
    if b.shape != (m,1):
        raise OptimizationInputError("Incompatible sizes: A is {}x{}, b is {}x{}, and should be {}x1".format(m,n,b.shape[0],b.shape[1],m))
    if c.shape != (n,1):
        raise OptimizationInputError("Incompatible sizes: A is {}x{}, c is {}x{}, and should be {}x1".format(m,n,c.shape[0],c.shape[1],n))
    optvalue = np.inf
    iters = list()
    for k in itt.combinations(range(n),m):
        B = A[:,k]
            x = linalg.solve(B,b)
            xfull = np.zeros((n,1))
            for i,ik in enumerate(k):
                xfull[[ik],:] = x[[i],:]
            iteroutput = [xfull]
            if (x >= 0).all():
                f = scalarInner(xfull,c)
                iteroutput += [f]
                if f < optvalue:
                    optvalue = f
                    solution = xfull
                iteroutput += [np.inf]
        except linalg.LinAlgError:
            iteroutput += [np.inf]
    return solution,optvalue,iters

Example 16.4, page 367

In [3]:
A = np.matrix([[1,1,1,0],[1,-1,0,1]])
b = np.array([[1],[1]])
c = np.array([[-1],[-2],[0],[0]])
In [4]:
sol,optvalue,iters = vertexEnumeration(A,b,c)

Table p. 368

In [5]:
for k in range(len(iters)):
1	[[ 1. -0.  0.  0.]]	-1.0
2	[[ 1.  0. -0.  0.]]	-1.0
3	[[1. 0. 0. 0.]]	-1.0
4	[[ 0. -1.  2.  0.]]	inf
5	[[0. 1. 0. 2.]]	-2.0
6	[[0. 0. 1. 1.]]	0.0

Algorithm 16.2: Simplex method

In [6]:
def simplex(A,b,c,basis):
    def getFullSolution(basis):
        # For printing only
        B = A[:,basis]
        xb = linalg.solve(B,b)
        xfull = np.zeros((n,1))
        for i,ik in enumerate(basis):
            xfull[[ik],:] = xb[[i],:]
        return xfull,scalarInner(c,xfull)

    m,n = A.shape
    if b.shape != (m,1):
        raise OptimizationInputError("Incompatible sizes: A is {}x{}, b is {}x{}, and should be {}x1".format(m,n,b.shape[0],b.shape[1],m))
    if c.shape != (n,1):
        raise OptimizationInputError("Incompatible sizes: A is {}x{}, c is {}x{}, and should be {}x1".format(m,n,c.shape[0],c.shape[1],n))
    optvalue = np.inf
    iters = list()
    stop = False
    while not stop:
        B = A[:,basis]
        # Each column of the matrix d is the dB vector of the corresponding index
        d = linalg.solve(B,A)
        reducedCost = c.T - c[basis].T.dot(d)
        negativeReducedCost = reducedCost < 0
        if not negativeReducedCost.any():
            optimalbasis = basis
            unbounded = False
            stop = True
            # In Python, True is larger than False. The next statement return the index of a True entry in the array, that is the index of a negative reduced cost
            p = np.argmax(negativeReducedCost)
            xb = linalg.solve(B,b)
            xfull = np.zeros((n,1))
            for i,ik in enumerate(basis):
                xfull[[ik],:] = xb[[i],:]
            step = np.inf
            q = -1
            for k in range(m):
                if d[k][p] > 0 and step > 0:
                    astep = np.asscalar(xb[k]) / d[k][p]
                    if astep < step:
                        step = astep
                        q = k

            if q == -1:
                optimalbasis = np.zeros((m,1))
                unbounded = True
                stop = True
                basis[q] = p
    return optimalbasis,unbounded,iters
In [7]:
# Python counts from 0. In the book, indices are counted from 1.
basis = [2,3]
sol,unbounded,iters = simplex(A,b,c,basis)

Example 16.6, page 373. We have renumbered the indices to be as in the book

In [8]:
for k in range(len(iters)):
    m,n = A.shape
    basis = iters[k][0]
    B = A[:,basis]
    print("Iteration {}".format(k+1))
    print("Basis: {}".format([k+1 for k in basis]))
    x = iters[k][2]
    print("Objective function: {}".format(scalarInner(c,x)))
    p = iters[k][5]
    if p is not None:
        print("Index entering the basis: {}".format(1+p))
        db = iters[k][3]
        dfull = np.zeros((n,1))
        for i,ik in enumerate(basis):
            dfull[[ik]] = db[[i]]
        dfull[p] = 1.0
        q = iters[k][6]
        print("Index exiting the basis: {}".format(1+q))
Iteration 1
Basis: [3, 4]
B=[[1 0]
 [0 1]]
cbar=[[-1. -2.  0.  0.]]
Objective function: 0.0
Index entering the basis: 1
db=[-1. -1.]
d=[[ 1.]
 [ 0.]
Index exiting the basis: 3
Iteration 2
Basis: [1, 4]
B=[[1 0]
 [1 1]]
cbar=[[ 0. -1.  1.  0.]]
Objective function: -1.0
Index entering the basis: 2
db=[-1.  2.]
 [ 1.]
 [ 0.]
 [ 2.]]
Index exiting the basis: 1
Iteration 3
Basis: [2, 4]
B=[[ 1  0]
 [-1  1]]
cbar=[[1. 0. 2. 0.]]
Objective function: -2.0

Example 16.7, page 375

In [9]:
A = np.matrix([[1,2,2,1,0,0],[2,1,2,0,1,0],[2,2,1,0,0,1]])
b = np.array([[20],[20],[20]])
c = np.array([[-10],[-12],[-12],[0],[0],[0]])
In [10]:
# Python counts from 0. In the book, indices are counted from 1.
basis = [3,4,5]
sol,unbounded,iters = simplex(A,b,c,basis)

Table 16.1, page 376

In [11]:
for k in range(len(iters)):
    m,n = A.shape
    basis = iters[k][0]
    cbar = iters[k][1].reshape(n,)
    x = iters[k][2].reshape(n,)
    obj = scalarInner(c,x)
    s = "{}|{} {} {}|{:5.1f} {:5.1f} {:5.1f}|{:4.1f} {:4.1f} {:4.1f} {:4.1f} {:4.1f} {:4.1f}".format(k,*basis,*cbar[np.nonzero(cbar)],*x)
    if iters[k][5] is not None: 
        p = iters[k][5] + 1
        q = iters[k][6] + 1
        db = iters[k][3]
        alpha = iters[k][4]
        s += "|{:4.1f} {:4.1f} {:4.1f}|{:2.0f}|{}|{}|".format(*db,alpha,p,q)
        s += "|              |  | | |"
    s += "{:5.0f}".format(obj)
0|3 4 5|-10.0 -12.0 -12.0| 0.0  0.0  0.0 20.0 20.0 20.0|-1.0 -2.0 -2.0|10|1|5|    0
1|3 0 5| -7.0  -2.0   5.0|10.0  0.0  0.0 10.0  0.0  0.0|-1.5 -0.5 -1.0| 0|2|6| -100
2|3 0 1| -9.0  -2.0   7.0|10.0  0.0  0.0 10.0  0.0  0.0|-2.5 -1.5  1.0| 4|3|4| -100
3|2 0 1|  3.6   1.6   1.6| 4.0  4.0  4.0  0.0  0.0  0.0|              |  | | | -136

Algorithm 16.3: Tableau pivoting

In [12]:
import sys
def pivoting(tableau,l,j):
    m,n = tableau.shape
    if l >= m:
        raise OptimizationInputError("The row of the pivot ({}) exceeds the size of the tableau ({})".format(l,m))
    if j >= n:
        raise OptimizationInputError("The column of the pivot ({}) exceeds the size of the tableau ({})".format(j,n))
    thepivot = tableau[l][j]
    if abs(thepivot) < sys.float_info.epsilon:
        raise OptimizationValueOutOfRange("The pivot is too close to zero: {}".format(thepivot))
    thepivotrow = tableau[l,:]
    newtableau = np.empty(tableau.shape)
    newtableau[l,:] = tableau[l,:] / thepivot
    for i in range(m):        
        if i != l:
            mult = -tableau[i][j] / thepivot
            newtableau[i,:] = tableau[i,:] + mult * thepivotrow
    return newtableau
In [13]:
def prettyTableau(tableau):
    m,n = tableau.shape
    s = ''
    for i in range(m-1):
        formattedRow = ['{:6.2f}' for k in tableau[i,:-1]]
        s += '\t'.join(formattedRow).format(*tableau[i,:-1])
        s += '|{:6.2f}'.format(tableau[i,-1])
        s += '\n'
    for i in range(n):
        s += '------\t'
    s += '\n'
    formattedRow = ['{:6.2f}' for k in tableau[m-1,:-1]]
    s += '\t'.join(formattedRow).format(*tableau[m-1,:-1])
    s += '|{:6.2f}'.format(tableau[m-1,-1])
    s += '\n'
    return s

Example 16.12, page 380

In [14]:
A = np.array([[0,1.5,1,1,-0.5,0,10],[1,0.5,1,0,0.5,0,10],[0,1,-1,0,-1,1,0],[0,-7,-2,0,5,0,100]])
  0.00	  1.50	  1.00	  1.00	 -0.50	  0.00| 10.00
  1.00	  0.50	  1.00	  0.00	  0.50	  0.00| 10.00
  0.00	  1.00	 -1.00	  0.00	 -1.00	  1.00|  0.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	 -7.00	 -2.00	  0.00	  5.00	  0.00|100.00

In [15]:
Apivoted = pivoting(A,2,1)
In [16]:
  0.00	  0.00	  2.50	  1.00	  1.00	 -1.50| 10.00
  1.00	  0.00	  1.50	  0.00	  1.00	 -0.50| 10.00
  0.00	  1.00	 -1.00	  0.00	 -1.00	  1.00|  0.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	  0.00	 -9.00	  0.00	 -2.00	  7.00|100.00

Algorithm 16.4: Simplex algorithm

In [17]:
def simplexTableau(tableau,rowindex):
    :param tableau: the first simplex tableau
    :rowindex: for each row, index of the corresponding basic variable
    mtab,ntab = tableau.shape
    m = mtab - 1
    n = ntab - 1
    iters = list()
    while True:
        colpivot = np.argmax(tableau[-1,:] < 0)
        if tableau[-1,colpivot]>= -sys.float_info.epsilon:
            # The tableau is optimal
            return tableau,rowindex,True,iters
        rowpivot = -1
        beststep = np.inf
        for j in range(m): 
            if tableau[j,colpivot] > sys.float_info.epsilon:
                step = tableau[j,-1] / tableau[j,colpivot]
                if step < beststep:
                    beststep = step
                    rowpivot = j
        if rowpivot == -1:
            # The problem is unbounded
            return tableau,rowindex,False,iters

        newtableau = pivoting(tableau,rowpivot,colpivot)
        tableau = newtableau.copy()
        rowindex[rowpivot] = colpivot

Example 16.13, page 382

In [18]:
A = np.array([[1,2,2,1,0,0,20],[2,1,2,0,1,0,20],[2,2,1,0,0,1,20],[-10,-12,-12,0,0,0,0]])
optimalTableau,rowindex,bounded,iters = simplexTableau(A,[3,4,5])
  0.00	  0.00	  1.00	  0.40	  0.40	 -0.60|  4.00
  1.00	  0.00	  0.00	 -0.60	  0.40	  0.40|  4.00
  0.00	  1.00	  0.00	  0.40	 -0.60	  0.40|  4.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	  0.00	  0.00	  3.60	  1.60	  1.60|136.00

In [19]:
for k in range(len(iters)):
    print("Iteration {}".format(k))
    print("Pivot in row {} and column {}".format(iters[k][1],iters[k][2]))
Iteration 0
  1.00	  2.00	  2.00	  1.00	  0.00	  0.00| 20.00
  2.00	  1.00	  2.00	  0.00	  1.00	  0.00| 20.00
  2.00	  2.00	  1.00	  0.00	  0.00	  1.00| 20.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
-10.00	-12.00	-12.00	  0.00	  0.00	  0.00|  0.00

Pivot in row 1 and column 0

Iteration 1
  0.00	  1.50	  1.00	  1.00	 -0.50	  0.00| 10.00
  1.00	  0.50	  1.00	  0.00	  0.50	  0.00| 10.00
  0.00	  1.00	 -1.00	  0.00	 -1.00	  1.00|  0.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	 -7.00	 -2.00	  0.00	  5.00	  0.00|100.00

Pivot in row 2 and column 1

Iteration 2
  0.00	  0.00	  2.50	  1.00	  1.00	 -1.50| 10.00
  1.00	  0.00	  1.50	  0.00	  1.00	 -0.50| 10.00
  0.00	  1.00	 -1.00	  0.00	 -1.00	  1.00|  0.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	  0.00	 -9.00	  0.00	 -2.00	  7.00|100.00

Pivot in row 0 and column 2

Iteration 3
  0.00	  0.00	  1.00	  0.40	  0.40	 -0.60|  4.00
  1.00	  0.00	  0.00	 -0.60	  0.40	  0.40|  4.00
  0.00	  1.00	  0.00	  0.40	 -0.60	  0.40|  4.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	  0.00	  0.00	  3.60	  1.60	  1.60|136.00

Pivot in row -1 and column 0

Algorithm 16.5: Simplex algorithm in two phases

In [20]:
def twoPhasesSimplex(A,b,c):
    m,n = A.shape
    if b.shape != (m,1):
        raise OptimizationInputError("Incompatible sizes: A is {}x{}, b is {}x{}, and should be {}x1".format(m,n,b.shape[0],b.shape[1],m))
    if c.shape != (n,1):
        raise OptimizationInputError("Incompatible sizes: A is {}x{}, c is {}x{}, and should be {}x1".format(m,n,c.shape[0],c.shape[1],n))
    # Make sure that b >= 0
    b[b < 0.0] *= -1.0
    for k in range(m):
        if b[k] < 0:
            A[k,:] *= -1.0
    # First tableau for Phase I 
    tableau = np.empty((m+1,n+m+1))
    tableau[:m,:n] = A
    tableau[:m,n:n+m] = np.eye(m)
    tableau[:m,n+m:n+m+1] = b
    # The last row 
    tableau[-1,:n] = np.array([-np.sum(tableau[:m,k]) for k in range(n)]).copy()
    tableau[-1,n:n+m] = 0.0
    tableau[-1,-1] = -np.sum(tableau[:m,-1])
    rowIndex = np.array([n+k for k in range(m)])
    # Solve the Phase I auxiliary problem
    phaseOneTableau,rowIndex,bounded,itersPhaseOne = simplexTableau(tableau,rowIndex)

    if not bounded:
        return None,None,None,True,False
    if phaseOneTableau[-1,-1]  > np.sqrt(sys.float_info.epsilon):
        return None,None,None,False,True
    feasible = True
    # Remove the auxiliary variables from the basis
    clean = False
    rowsToRemove = []
    while not clean:
        # Check if some auxiliary variables are in the basis
        tobeCleaned = set(rowIndex).intersection(set(range(n,n+m)))
        if tobeCleaned == set():
            clean = True
            rowpivotIndex = list(rowIndex).index(tobeCleaned.pop())
            rowpivot = phaseOneTableau[rowpivotIndex,:]
            nonbasic = list(set(range(n+m))-set(rowIndex))
            nonzerosPivots = abs(rowpivot[nonbasic]) > sys.float_info.epsilon
            if nonzerosPivots.any():
                colpivot = nonbasic[np.argmax(nonzerosPivots)]
                newtableau = pivoting(phaseOneTableau,rowpivotIndex,colpivot)
                phaseOneTableau = newtableau.copy()
                rowIndex[rowpivotIndex] = colpivot
                rowIndex[rowpivotIndex] = -1
    # Delete rows
    tmp = np.delete(phaseOneTableau,rowsToRemove,0)
    rowIndex = rowIndex[rowIndex >= 0]
    m -= len(rowsToRemove)
    # Delete columns
    startPhaseTwo = np.delete(tmp,range(n,n+m),1)
    # Calculate last row
    cb = c[rowIndex]
    nonbasic = set(range(n))-set(rowIndex)
    for k in nonbasic:
        startPhaseTwo[-1,k] = c[k] - scalarInner(cb,startPhaseTwo[:m,k])
    startPhaseTwo[-1,-1] = -scalarInner(cb,startPhaseTwo[:m,-1])
    # Phase II
    phaseTwoTableau,rowIndex,bounded,itersPhaseTwo = simplexTableau(startPhaseTwo,rowIndex)
    solution = np.zeros(n)
    solution[rowIndex] = phaseTwoTableau[:m,-1]
    copt = -phaseTwoTableau[-1,-1]
    return x,copt,phaseTwoTableau,True,bounded,itersPhaseOne,itersPhaseTwo

Example 16.16, p. 392

In [21]:
A = np.matrix([[1,3,0,4,1],[1,2,0,-3,1],[-1,-4,3,0,0]],dtype=float)
b = np.array([[2],[2],[1]],dtype=float)
c = np.array([[2],[3],[3],[1],[-2]],dtype=float)
In [22]:
x,copt,phaseTwoTableau,feasible,bounded,itersPhaseOne,itersPhaseTwo = twoPhasesSimplex(A,b,c)

Phase I

In [23]:
for k in range(len(itersPhaseOne)):
  1.00	  3.00	  0.00	  4.00	  1.00	  1.00	  0.00	  0.00|  2.00
  1.00	  2.00	  0.00	 -3.00	  1.00	  0.00	  1.00	  0.00|  2.00
 -1.00	 -4.00	  3.00	  0.00	  0.00	  0.00	  0.00	  1.00|  1.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
 -1.00	 -1.00	 -3.00	 -1.00	 -2.00	  0.00	  0.00	  0.00| -5.00

  1.00	  3.00	  0.00	  4.00	  1.00	  1.00	  0.00	  0.00|  2.00
  0.00	 -1.00	  0.00	 -7.00	  0.00	 -1.00	  1.00	  0.00|  0.00
  0.00	 -1.00	  3.00	  4.00	  1.00	  1.00	  0.00	  1.00|  3.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	  2.00	 -3.00	  3.00	 -1.00	  1.00	  0.00	  0.00| -3.00

  1.00	  3.00	  0.00	  4.00	  1.00	  1.00	  0.00	  0.00|  2.00
  0.00	 -1.00	  0.00	 -7.00	  0.00	 -1.00	  1.00	  0.00|  0.00
  0.00	 -0.33	  1.00	  1.33	  0.33	  0.33	  0.00	  0.33|  1.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	  1.00	  0.00	  7.00	  0.00	  2.00	  0.00	  1.00|  0.00

Phase II

In [24]:
for k in range(len(itersPhaseTwo)):
  1.00	  0.00	  0.00	-17.00	  1.00|  2.00
 -0.00	  1.00	 -0.00	  7.00	 -0.00| -0.00
  0.00	  0.00	  1.00	  3.67	  0.33|  1.00
------	------	------	------	------	------	
  0.00	  0.00	  0.00	  3.00	 -5.00| -7.00

  1.00	  0.00	  0.00	-17.00	  1.00|  2.00
  0.00	  1.00	  0.00	  7.00	  0.00|  0.00
 -0.33	  0.00	  1.00	  9.33	  0.00|  0.33
------	------	------	------	------	------	
  5.00	  0.00	  0.00	-82.00	  0.00|  3.00

  1.00	  2.43	  0.00	  0.00	  1.00|  2.00
  0.00	  0.14	  0.00	  1.00	  0.00|  0.00
 -0.33	 -1.33	  1.00	  0.00	  0.00|  0.33
------	------	------	------	------	------	
  5.00	 11.71	  0.00	  0.00	  0.00|  3.00