Source code for

"""Implements some useful functions

:author: Michel Bierlaire

:date: Sun Apr 14 10:46:10 2019


# Too constraining
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-locals

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2
import biogeme.messaging as msg
import biogeme.exceptions as excep

logger = msg.bioMessage()

[docs]def findiff_g(theFunction, x): """Calculates the gradient of a function :math`f` using finite differences :param theFunction: A function object that takes a vector as an argument, and returns a tuple. The first element of the tuple is the value of the function :math:`f`. The other elements are not used. :type theFunction: function :param x: argument of the function :type x: numpy.array :return: numpy vector, same dimension as x, containing the gradient calculated by finite differences. :rtype: numpy.array """ tau = 0.0000001 n = len(x) g = np.zeros(n) f = theFunction(x)[0] for i in range(n): xi = x.item(i) xp = x.copy() if abs(xi) >= 1: s = tau * xi elif xi >= 0: s = tau else: s = -tau xp[i] = xi + s fp = theFunction(xp)[0] g[i] = (fp - f) / s return g
[docs]def findiff_H(theFunction, x): """Calculates the hessian of a function :math:`f` using finite differences :param theFunction: A function object that takes a vector as an argument, and returns a tuple. The first element of the tuple is the value of the function :math:`f`, and the second is the gradient of the function. The other elements are not used. :type theFunction: function :param x: argument of the function :type x: numpy.array :return: numpy matrix containing the hessian calculated by finite differences. :rtype: numpy.array """ tau = 1.0e-7 n = len(x) H = np.zeros((n, n)) g = theFunction(x)[1] eye = np.eye(n, n) for i in range(n): xi = x.item(i) if abs(xi) >= 1: s = tau * xi elif xi >= 0: s = tau else: s = -tau ei = eye[i] gp = theFunction(x + s * ei)[1] H[:, i] = (gp - g).flatten() / s return H
[docs]def checkDerivatives(theFunction, x, names=None, logg=False): """Verifies the analytical derivatives of a function by comparing them with finite difference approximations. :param theFunction: A function object that takes a vector as an argument, and returns a tuple: - The first element of the tuple is the value of the function :math:`f`, - the second is the gradient of the function, - the third is the hessian. :type theFunction: function :param x: arguments of the function :type x: numpy.array :param names: the names of the entries of x (for reporting). :type names: list(string) :param logg: if True, messages will be displayed. :type logg: bool :return: tuple f, g, h, gdiff, hdiff where - f is the value of the function at x, - g is the analytical gradient, - h is the analytical hessian, - gdiff is the difference between the analytical gradient and the finite difference approximation - hdiff is the difference between the analytical hessian and the finite difference approximation :rtype: float, numpy.array,numpy.array, numpy.array,numpy.array """ f, g, h = theFunction(x) g_num = findiff_g(theFunction, x) gdiff = g - g_num if logg: if names is None: names = [f'x[{i}]' for i in range(len(x))] logger.detailed('x\t\tGradient\tFinDiff\t\tDifference') for k, v in enumerate(gdiff): logger.detailed(f'{names[k]:15}\t{g[k]:+E}\t{g_num[k]:+E}\t{v:+E}') h_num = findiff_H(theFunction, x) hdiff = h - h_num if logg: logger.detailed('Row\t\tCol\t\tHessian\tFinDiff\t\tDifference') for row in range(len(hdiff)): for col in range(len(hdiff)): logger.detailed( f'{names[row]:15}\t{names[col]:15}\t{h[row,col]:+E}\t' f'{h_num[row,col]:+E}\t{hdiff[row,col]:+E}' ) return f, g, h, gdiff, hdiff
[docs]def getPrimeNumbers(n): """Get a given number of prime numbers :param n: number of primes that are requested :type n: int :return: array with prime numbers :rtype: list(int) """ total = 0 upperBound = 100 while total < n: upperBound *= 10 primes = calculatePrimeNumbers(upperBound) total = len(primes) return primes[0:n]
[docs]def calculatePrimeNumbers(upperBound): """Calculate prime numbers :param upperBound: prime numbers up to this value will be computed :type upperBound: int :return: array with prime numbers :rtype: list(int) >>> tools.calculatePrimeNumbers(10) [2, 3, 5, 7] """ mywork = list(range(0, upperBound + 1)) largest = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(float(upperBound)))) # Remove all multiples for i in range(2, largest + 1): if mywork[i] != 0: for k in range(2 * i, upperBound + 1, i): mywork[k] = 0 # Gather non zero entries, which are the prime numbers myprimes = [] for i in range(1, upperBound + 1): if mywork[i] != 0 and mywork[i] != 1: myprimes += [mywork[i]] return myprimes
[docs]def countNumberOfGroups(df, column): """ This function counts the number of groups of same value in a column. For instance: 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,1,1 would give 5. Example:: >>>df = pd.DataFrame({'ID': [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3], 'value':[1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 5000, 10000, 20000]}) >>>tools.countNumberOfGroups(df,'ID') 6 >>>tools.countNumberOfGroups(df,'value') 7 """ df['_biogroups'] = (df[column] != df[column].shift(1)).cumsum() return len(df['_biogroups'].unique())
[docs]def likelihood_ratio_test(model1, model2, significance_level=0.95): """This function performs a likelihood ratio test between a restricted and an unrestricted model. :param model1: the final loglikelood of one model, and the number of estimated parameters. :type model1: tuple(float, int) :param model2: the final loglikelood of the other model, and the number of estimated parameters. :type model2: tuple(float, int) :param significance_level: level of significance of the test. Default: 0.95 :type significance_level: float :return: a tuple containing: - a message with the outcome of the test - the statistic, that is minus two times the difference between the loglikelihood of the two models - the threshold of the chi square distribution. :rtype: (str, float, float) :raise biogemeError: if the unrestricted model has a lower log likelihood than the restricted model. """ loglike_m1, df_m1 = model1 loglike_m2, df_m2 = model2 if loglike_m1 > loglike_m2: if df_m1 < df_m2: raise excep.biogemeError( f'The unrestricted model {model2} has a ' f'lower log likelihood than the restricted one {model1}' ) loglike_ur = loglike_m1 loglike_r = loglike_m2 df_ur = df_m1 df_r = df_m2 else: if df_m1 >= df_m2: raise excep.biogemeError( f'The unrestricted model {model1} has a ' f'lower log likelihood than the restricted one {model2}' ) loglike_ur = loglike_m2 loglike_r = loglike_m1 df_ur = df_m2 df_r = df_m1 stat = -2 * (loglike_r - loglike_ur) chi_df = df_ur - df_r threshold = chi2.ppf(significance_level, chi_df) if stat <= threshold: final_msg = f'H0 cannot be rejected at level {significance_level}' else: final_msg = f'H0 can be rejected at level {significance_level}' return final_msg, stat, threshold