Source code for biogeme.biogeme

"""Implementation of the main Biogeme class that combines the database
and the model specification.

:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Tue Mar 26 16:45:15 2019


# Too constraining
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals,
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements, too-many-branches,
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-lines,
# pylint: disable=too-many-function-args, invalid-unary-operand-type

import multiprocessing as mp
from datetime import datetime
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tqdm

import biogeme.database as db
import biogeme.cbiogeme as cb
import biogeme.expressions as eb
import biogeme.results as res
import biogeme.exceptions as excep
import biogeme.filenames as bf
import biogeme.messaging as msg
import biogeme.optimization as opt
from biogeme import tools
from biogeme.algorithms import functionToMinimize

# import yep

[docs]class BIOGEME: """Main class that combines the database and the model specification. It works in two modes: estimation and simulation. """
[docs] def __init__( self, database, formulas, userNotes=None, numberOfThreads=None, numberOfDraws=1000, seed=None, skipAudit=False, removeUnusedVariables=True, displayUsedVariables=False, suggestScales=True, missingData=99999, ): """Constructor :param database: choice data. :type database: :class:`biogeme.database.Database` :param formulas: expression or dictionary of expressions that define the model specification. The concept is that each expression is applied to each entry of the database. The keys of the dictionary allow to provide a name to each formula. In the estimation mode, two formulas are needed, with the keys 'loglike' and 'weight'. If only one formula is provided, it is associated with the label 'loglike'. If no formula is labeled 'weight', the weight of each piece of data is supposed to be 1.0. In the simulation mode, the labels of each formula are used as labels of the resulting database. :type formulas: :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression`, or dict(:class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression`) :param userNotes: these notes will be included in the report file. :type userNotes: str :param numberOfThreads: multi-threading can be used for estimation. This parameter defines the number of threads to be used. If the parameter is set to None, the number of available threads is calculated using cpu_count(). Ignored in simulation mode. Defaults: None. :type numberOfThreads: int :param numberOfDraws: number of draws used for Monte-Carlo integration. Default: 1000. :type numberOfDraws: int :param seed: seed used for the pseudo-random number generation. It is useful only when each run should generate the exact same result. If None, a new seed is used at each run. Default: None. :type seed: int :param skipAudit: if True, does not check the validity of the formulas. It may save significant amount of time for large models and large data sets. Default: False. :type skipAudit: bool :param removeUnusedVariables: if True, all variables not used in the expression are removed from the database. Default: True. :type removeUnusedVariables: bool :param displayUsedVariables: if True, displays all the variables used in the formulas. Default: False. :type displayUsedVariables: bool :param suggestScales: if True, Biogeme suggests the scaling of the variables in the database. Default: True. See also :func:`biogeme.database.Database.suggestScaling` :type suggestScales: bool. :param missingData: if one variable has this value, it is assumed that a data is missing and an exception will be triggered. Default: 99999. :type missingData: float :raise biogemeError: an audit of the formulas is performed. If a formula has issues, an error is detected and an exception is raised. """ self.logger = msg.bioMessage() """Logger that controls the output of messages to the screen and log file. Type: class :class:`biogeme.messaging.bioMessage`.""" if not skipAudit: ={True: 1, False: 0}) listOfErrors, listOfWarnings = database._audit() if listOfWarnings: self.logger.warning('\n'.join(listOfWarnings)) if listOfErrors: self.logger.warning('\n'.join(listOfErrors)) raise excep.biogemeError('\n'.join(listOfErrors)) self.loglikeName = 'loglike' """ Keyword used for the name of the loglikelihood formula. Default: 'loglike'""" self.weightName = 'weight' """Keyword used for the name of the weight formula. Default: 'weight' """ self.modelName = 'biogemeModelDefaultName' """Name of the model. Default: 'biogemeModelDefaultName' """ self.monteCarlo = False """ ``monteCarlo`` is True if one of the expressions involves a Monte-Carlo integration. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) self.saveIterations = True """If True, the current iterate is saved after each iteration, in a file named ``__[modelName].iter``, where ``[modelName]`` is the name given to the model. If such a file exists, the starting values for the estimation are replaced by the values saved in the file. """ if not isinstance(formulas, dict): if not isinstance(formulas, eb.Expression): raise excep.biogemeError( f'Expression {formulas} is not of type ' f'biogeme.expressions.Expression. ' f'It is of type {type(formulas)}' ) self.loglike = formulas """ Object of type :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` calculating the formula for the loglikelihood """ self.weight = None """ Object of type :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` calculating the weight of each observation in the sample. """ self.formulas = dict({self.loglikeName: formulas}) """ Dictionary containing Biogeme formulas of type :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression`. The keys are the names of the formulas. """ else: # Verify the validity of the formulas for k, f in formulas.items(): if not isinstance(f, eb.Expression): raise excep.biogemeError( f'Expression for "{k}" is not of type ' f'biogeme.expressions.Expression. ' f'It is of type {type(f)}' ) self.loglike = formulas.get(self.loglikeName) self.weight = formulas.get(self.weightName) self.formulas = formulas self.database = database #: :class:`biogeme.database.Database` object self.userNotes = userNotes #: User notes self.missingData = missingData #: code for missing data self.lastSample = None """ keeps track of the sample of data used to calculate the stochastic gradient / hessian """ self.initLogLike = None #: Init value of the likelihood function self.nullLogLike = None #: Log likelihood of the null model self.usedVariables = set() #: set of variables used in the formulas. for k, f in self.formulas.items(): myvars = f.setOfVariables() missingVariables = [ v for v in myvars if v not in ] if missingVariables: errorMsg = ( f'Variables in formula {k} missing in the database: ' f'{missingVariables}' ) raise excep.biogemeError(errorMsg) self.usedVariables |= f.setOfVariables() if self.database.isPanel(): self.usedVariables.add(self.database.panelColumn) if displayUsedVariables: self.logger.general( f'List of used variables: {self.usedVariables}' ) if removeUnusedVariables: unusedVariables = ( set( - self.usedVariables ) error_msg = ( f'Remove {len(unusedVariables)} ' 'unused variables from the database ' f'as only {len(self.usedVariables)} are used.' ) self.logger.general(error_msg) = columns=list(unusedVariables) ) if suggestScales: suggestedScales = self.database.suggestScaling( columns=self.usedVariables ) if not suggestedScales.empty: logger.detailed( 'It is suggested to scale the following variables.' ) for _, row in suggestedScales.iterrows(): error_msg = ( f'Multiply {row["Column"]} by\t{row["Scale"]} ' 'because the largest (abs) value is\t' f'{row["Largest"]}' ) logger.detailed(error_msg) error_msg = ( 'To remove this feature, set the parameter ' 'suggestScales to False when creating the ' 'BIOGEME object.' ) logger.detailed(error_msg) if not skipAudit: self._audit() self._prepareDatabaseForFormula() self._prepareLiterals() self.theC = cb.pyBiogeme(len(self.freeBetaNames)) if self.database.isPanel(): self.theC.setPanel(True) self.theC.setDataMap(self.database.individualMap) # Transfer the data to the C++ formula self.theC.setData( self.theC.setMissingData(self.missingData) self.generateHtml = True """ Boolean variable, True if the HTML file with the results must be generated. """ self.generatePickle = True """ Boolean variable, True if the pickle file with the results must be generated. """ self.columnForBatchSamplingWeights = None """ Name of the column defining weights for batch sampling in stochastic optimization. """ self.numberOfThreads = ( mp.cpu_count() if numberOfThreads is None else numberOfThreads ) """ Number of threads used for parallel computing. Default: the number of available CPU. """ start_time = self._generateDraws(numberOfDraws) if self.monteCarlo: self.theC.setDraws(self.database.theDraws) self.drawsProcessingTime = - start_time """ Time needed to generate the draws. """ if self.loglike is not None: self.loglikeSignatures = self.loglike.getSignature() """ Internal signature of the formula for the loglikelihood.""" if self.weight is None: self.theC.setExpressions( self.loglikeSignatures, self.numberOfThreads ) else: self.weightSignatures = self.weight.getSignature() """ Internal signature of the formula for the weight.""" self.theC.setExpressions( self.loglikeSignatures, self.numberOfThreads, self.weightSignatures, ) self.bootstrap_time = None """ Time needed to calculate the bootstrap standard errors""" self.bootstrap_results = None #: Results of the bootstrap calculation. self.optimizationMessages = None """ Information provided by the optimization algorithm after completion. """ self.algoParameters = None """ Parameters to be transferred to the optimization algorithm """ self.algorithm = None #: Optimization algorithm self.bestIteration = None #: Store the best iteration found so far.
def _saveIterationsFileName(self): """ :return: The name of the file where the iterations are saved. :rtype: str """ return f'__{self.modelName}.iter' def _audit(self): """Each expression provides an audit function, that verifies its validity. Each formula is audited, and the list of errors and warnings reported. :raise biogemeError: if the formula has issues, an error is detected and an exception is raised. """ listOfErrors = [] listOfWarnings = [] for v in self.formulas.values(): err, war = v.audit(self.database) listOfErrors += err listOfWarnings += war if listOfWarnings: self.logger.warning('\n'.join(listOfWarnings)) if listOfErrors: self.logger.warning('\n'.join(listOfErrors)) raise excep.biogemeError('\n'.join(listOfErrors)) def _generateDraws(self, numberOfDraws): """If Monte-Carlo integration is involved in one of the formulas, this function instructs the database to generate the draws. Args: numberOfDraws: self explanatory (int) """ # Number of draws for Monte-Carlo integration. self.numberOfDraws = numberOfDraws # Draws self.monteCarlo = len(self.allDraws) > 0 if self.monteCarlo: self.database.generateDraws( self.allDraws, self.drawNames, numberOfDraws ) def _prepareDatabaseForFormula(self, sample=None): # Prepare the dataset. if sample is None: if self.lastSample == 1.0: # We continue to use the full data set. Nothing to be done. return self.lastSample = 1.0 self.database.useFullSample() else: # Check if the sample size is valid if sample <= 0 or sample > 1.0: error_msg = ( f'The value of the parameter sample must be ' f'strictly between 0.0 and 1.0,' f' and not {sample}' ) raise ValueError(error_msg) if sample == 1.0: self.database.useFullSample() else: self.logger.detailed(f'Use {100*sample}% of the data.') if self.database.isPanel(): self.database.sampleIndividualMapWithoutReplacement( sample, self.columnForBatchSamplingWeights ) else: self.database.sampleWithoutReplacement( sample, self.columnForBatchSamplingWeights ) self.lastSample = sample # Rebuild the map for panel data if self.database.isPanel(): self.database.buildPanelMap()
[docs] def getBoundsOnBeta(self, betaName): """Returns the bounds on the parameter as defined by the user. :param betaName: name of the parameter :type betaName: string :return: lower bound, upper bound :rtype: tuple :raises biogemeError: if the name of the parameter is not found. """ if betaName not in self.freeBetaNames: raise excep.biogemeError(f'Unknown parameter {betaName}') index = self.freeBetaNames.index(betaName) return self.bounds[index]
def _prepareLiterals(self): """Extract from the formulas the literals (parameters, variables, random variables) and decide a numbering convention. """ collectionOfFormulas = [f for k, f in self.formulas.items()] variableNames = list( ( self.elementaryExpressionIndex, self.allFreeBetas, self.freeBetaNames, self.allFixedBetas, self.fixedBetaNames, self.allRandomVariables, self.randomVariableNames, self.allDraws, self.drawNames, ) = eb.defineNumberingOfElementaryExpressions( collectionOfFormulas, variableNames ) # List of tuples (ell, u) containing the lower and upper bounds # for each free parameter self.bounds = list() for x in self.freeBetaNames: self.bounds.append( (self.allFreeBetas[x].lb, self.allFreeBetas[x].ub) ) # List of ids of the free beta parameters (those to be estimated) self.betaIds = list(range(len(self.freeBetaNames))) # List of initial values of the free beta parameters (those to be # estimated) self.betaInitValues = [ float(self.allFreeBetas[x].initValue) for x in self.freeBetaNames ] # Values of the fixed parameters (not estimated). self.fixedBetaValues = [ float(self.allFixedBetas[x].initValue) for x in self.fixedBetaNames ]
[docs] def calculateNullLoglikelihood(self, avail): """Calculate the log likelihood of the null model that predicts equal probability for each alternative :param avail: list of expressions to evaluate the availability conditions for each alternative. :type avail: list of :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` :return: value of the log likelihood :rtype: float """ expression = -eb.log(eb.bioMultSum(avail)) self.nullLogLike = self.database.sumFromDatabase(expression) return self.nullLogLike
[docs] def calculateInitLikelihood(self): """Calculate the value of the log likelihood function The default values of the parameters are used. :return: value of the log likelihood. :rtype: float. """ # Value of the loglikelihood for the default values of the parameters. self.initLogLike = self.calculateLikelihood( self.betaInitValues, scaled=False ) return self.initLogLike
[docs] def calculateLikelihood(self, x, scaled, batch=None): """Calculates the value of the log likelihood function :param x: vector of values for the parameters. :type x: list(float) :param scaled: if True, the value is divided by the number of observations used to calculate it. In this case, the values with different sample sizes are comparable. Default: True :type scaled: bool :param batch: if not None, calculates the likelihood on a random sample of the data. The value of the parameter must be strictly between 0 and 1, and represents the share of the data that will be used. Default: None :type batch: float :return: the calculated value of the log likelihood :rtype: float. :raises ValueError: if the length of the list x is incorrect. """ if len(x) != len(self.betaInitValues): error_msg = ( f'Input vector must be of length ' f'{len(self.betaInitValues)} and ' f'not {len(x)}' ) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._prepareDatabaseForFormula(batch) f = self.theC.calculateLikelihood(x, self.fixedBetaValues) self.logger.detailed( f'Log likelihood (N = {self.database.getSampleSize()}): {f:10.7g}' ) if scaled: return f / float(self.database.getSampleSize()) return f
[docs] def calculateLikelihoodAndDerivatives( self, x, scaled, hessian=False, bhhh=False, batch=None ): """Calculate the value of the log likelihood function and its derivatives. :param x: vector of values for the parameters. :type x: list(float) :param scaled: if True, the results are devided by the number of observations. :type scaled: bool :param hessian: if True, the hessian is calculated. Default: False. :type hessian: bool :param bhhh: if True, the BHHH matrix is calculated. Default: False. :type bhhh: bool :param batch: if not None, calculates the likelihood on a random sample of the data. The value of the parameter must be strictly between 0 and 1, and represents the share of the data that will be used. Default: None :type batch: float :return: f, g, h, bh where - f is the value of the function (float) - g is the gradient (numpy.array) - h is the hessian (numpy.array) - bh is the BHHH matrix (numpy.array) :rtype: tuple float, numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array :raises ValueError: if the length of the list x is incorrect :raises biogemeError: if the norm of the gradient is not finite, an error is raised. """ n = len(x) if n != len(self.betaInitValues): error_msg = ( f'Input vector must be of length ' f'{len(self.betaInitValues)} and not {len(x)}' ) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._prepareDatabaseForFormula(batch) g = np.empty(n) h = np.empty([n, n]) bh = np.empty([n, n]) f, g, h, bh = self.theC.calculateLikelihoodAndDerivatives( x, self.fixedBetaValues, self.betaIds, g, h, bh, hessian, bhhh ) hmsg = '' if hessian: hmsg = f'Hessian norm: {np.linalg.norm(h):10.1g}' bhhhmsg = '' if bhhh: bhhhmsg = f'BHHH norm: {np.linalg.norm(bh):10.1g}' gradnorm = np.linalg.norm(g) self.logger.general( f'Log likelihood (N = {self.database.getSampleSize()}): {f:10.7g}' f' Gradient norm: {gradnorm:10.1g}' f' {hmsg} {bhhhmsg}' ) if not np.isfinite(gradnorm): error_msg = f'The norm of the gradient is {gradnorm}: g={g}' raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) if self.saveIterations: if self.bestIteration is None: self.bestIteration = f if f >= self.bestIteration: with open(self._saveIterationsFileName(), 'w') as pf: for i, v in enumerate(x): print(f'{self.freeBetaNames[i]} = {v}', file=pf) if scaled: N = float(self.database.getSampleSize()) if N == 0: raise excep.biogemeError(f'Sample size is {N}') return ( f / N, np.asarray(g) / N, np.asarray(h) / N, np.asarray(bh) / N, ) return f, np.asarray(g), np.asarray(h), np.asarray(bh)
[docs] def likelihoodFiniteDifferenceHessian(self, x): """Calculate the hessian of the log likelihood function using finite differences. May be useful when the analytical hessian has numerical issues. :param x: vector of values for the parameters. :type x: list(float) :return: finite differences approximation of the hessian. :rtype: numpy.array :raises ValueError: if the length of the list x is incorrect """ def theFunction(x): f, g, _, _ = self.calculateLikelihoodAndDerivatives( x, scaled=False, hessian=False, bhhh=False ) return f, np.asarray(g) return tools.findiff_H(theFunction, np.asarray(x))
[docs] def checkDerivatives(self, verbose=False): """Verifies the implementation of the derivatives. It compares the analytical version with the finite differences approximation. :param verbose: if True, the comparisons are reported. Default: False. :type verbose: bool :rtype: tuple. :return: f, g, h, gdiff, hdiff where - f is the value of the function, - g is the analytical gradient, - h is the analytical hessian, - gdiff is the difference between the analytical and the finite differences gradient, - hdiff is the difference between the analytical and the finite differences hessian, """ def theFunction(x): """Wrapper function to use tools.checkDerivatives""" f, g, h, _ = self.calculateLikelihoodAndDerivatives( x, scaled=False, hessian=True, bhhh=False ) return f, np.asarray(g), np.asarray(h) return tools.checkDerivatives( theFunction, np.asarray(self.betaInitValues), self.freeBetaNames, verbose, )
[docs] def loadSavedIteration(self, filename='__savedIterations.txt'): """ Obsolete function """ message = ( 'The function loadSavedIterations is obsolete. It is ' 'sufficient to set the parameter saveIterations to True ' 'or False to control the process. Therefore, there ' 'is no need to call the function loadSavedIteration anymore.' ) raise excep.biogemeError(message)
def _loadSavedIteration(self): """Reads the values of the parameters from a text file where each line has the form name_of_beta = value_of_beta, and use these values in all formulas. """ filename = self._saveIterationsFileName() betas = {} try: with open(filename) as fp: for line in fp: ell = line.split('=') betas[ell[0].strip()] = float(ell[1]) self.changeInitValues(betas) logger.detailed(f'Parameter values restored from {filename}') except IOError: logger.warning( f'Cannot read file {filename}. Statement is ignored.' )
[docs] def setRandomInitValues(self, defaultBound=100.0): """Modifies the initial values of the parameters in all formulas, using randomly generated values. The value is drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval defined by the bounds. :param defaultBound: If the upper bound is missing, it is replaced by this value. If the lower bound is missing, it is replaced by the opposite of this value. Default: 100. :type defaultBound: float """ randomBetas = { name: np.random.uniform( low=-defaultBound if is None else, high=defaultBound if beta.ub is None else beta.ub, ) for name, beta in self.allFreeBetas.items() } self.changeInitValues(randomBetas)
[docs] def changeInitValues(self, betas): """Modifies the initial values of the pameters in all formula :param betas: dictionary where the keys are the names of the parameters, and the values are the new value for the parameters. :type betas: dict(string:float) """ if self.loglike is not None: self.loglike.changeInitValues(betas) if self.weight is not None: self.weight.changeInitValues(betas) for _, f in self.formulas.items(): f.changeInitValues(betas) for i, name in enumerate(self.freeBetaNames): value = betas.get(name) if value is not None: self.betaInitValues[i] = value
[docs] def estimate( self, bootstrap=0, algorithm=opt.simpleBoundsNewtonAlgorithmForBiogeme, algoParameters=None, ): """Estimate the parameters of the model. :param bootstrap: number of bootstrap resampling used to calculate the variance-covariance matrix using bootstrapping. If the number is 0, bootstrapping is not applied. Default: 0. :type bootstrap: int :param algorithm: optimization algorithm to use for the maximum likelihood estimation. Default: Biogeme's Newton's algorithm with simple bounds. :type algorithm: function :param algoParameters: parameters to transfer to the optimization algorithm :type algoParameters: dict :return: object containing the estimation results. :rtype: biogeme.bioResults Example:: # Create an instance of biogeme biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(database, logprob) # Gives a name to the model biogeme.modelName = 'mymodel' # Estimate the parameters results = biogeme.estimate() :raises biogemeError: if no expression has been provided for the likelihood """ if self.loglike is None: raise excep.biogemeError( 'No log likelihood function has been specificed' ) if len(self.freeBetaNames) == 0: raise excep.biogemeError( f'There is no parameter to estimate' f' in the formula: {self.loglike}.' ) if self.saveIterations: self.logger.general( f'*** Initial values of the parameters are ' f'obtained from the file {self._saveIterationsFileName()}' ) self._loadSavedIteration() self.algorithm = algorithm self.algoParameters = algoParameters self.calculateInitLikelihood() self.bestIteration = None start_time = # yep.start('profile.out') # yep.stop() output = self.optimize(self.betaInitValues) xstar, optimizationMessages = output # Running time of the optimization algorithm optimizationMessages['Optimization time'] = - start_time # Information provided by the optimization algorithm after completion. self.optimizationMessages = optimizationMessages fgHb = self.calculateLikelihoodAndDerivatives( xstar, scaled=False, hessian=True, bhhh=True ) if not np.isfinite(fgHb[2]).all(): warning_msg = ( 'Numerical problems in calculating ' 'the analytical hessian. Finite differences' ' is tried instead.' ) self.logger.warning(warning_msg) finDiffHessian = self.likelihoodFiniteDifferenceHessian(xstar) if not np.isfinite(fgHb[2]).all(): self.logger.warning( 'Numerical problems with finite ' 'difference hessian as well.' ) else: fgHb = fgHb[0], fgHb[1], finDiffHessian, fgHb[3] # numpy array, of size B x K, # where # - B is the number of bootstrap iterations # - K is the number pf parameters to estimate self.bootstrap_results = None if bootstrap > 0: start_time = self.logger.general( f'Re-estimate the model {bootstrap} times for bootstrapping' ) self.bootstrap_results = np.empty(shape=[bootstrap, len(xstar)]) hideProgress = self.logger.screenLevel == 0 self.logger.temporarySilence() for b in tqdm.tqdm(range(bootstrap), disable=hideProgress): if self.database.isPanel(): sample = self.database.sampleIndividualMapWithReplacement() self.theC.setDataMap(sample) else: sample = self.database.sampleWithReplacement() self.theC.setData(sample) x_br, _ = self.optimize(xstar) self.bootstrap_results[b] = x_br # Time needed to generate the bootstrap results self.bootstrap_time = - start_time self.logger.resume() rawResults = res.rawResults( self, xstar, fgHb, bootstrap=self.bootstrap_results ) r = res.bioResults(rawResults) if self.generateHtml: r.writeHtml() if self.generatePickle: r.writePickle() return r
[docs] def quickEstimate( self, algorithm=opt.simpleBoundsNewtonAlgorithmForBiogeme, algoParameters=None, ): """| Estimate the parameters of the model. Same as estimate, where any extra calculation is skipped (init loglikelihood, t-statistics, etc.) :param algorithm: optimization algorithm to use for the maximum likelihood estimation.Default: Biogeme's Newton's algorithm with simple bounds. :type algorithm: function :param algoParameters: parameters to transfer to the optimization algorithm :type algoParameters: dict :return: object containing the estimation results. :rtype: biogeme.results.bioResults Example:: # Create an instance of biogeme biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(database, logprob) # Gives a name to the model biogeme.modelName = 'mymodel' # Estimate the parameters results = biogeme.quickEstimate() :raises biogemeError: if no expression has been provided for the likelihood """ if self.loglike is None: raise excep.biogemeError( 'No log likelihood function has been specificed' ) if len(self.freeBetaNames) == 0: raise excep.biogemeError( f'There is no parameter to estimate' f' in the formula: {self.loglike}.' ) self.algorithm = algorithm self.algoParameters = algoParameters start_time = # yep.start('profile.out') # yep.stop() output = self.optimize(self.betaInitValues) xstar, optimizationMessages = output # Running time of the optimization algorithm optimizationMessages['Optimization time'] = - start_time # Information provided by the optimization algorithm after completion. self.optimizationMessages = optimizationMessages f = self.calculateLikelihood(xstar, scaled=False) fgHb = f, None, None, None rawResults = res.rawResults( self, xstar, fgHb, bootstrap=self.bootstrap_results ) r = res.bioResults(rawResults) return r
[docs] def validate(self, estimationResults, validationData): """Perform out-of-sample validation. The function performs the following tasks: - each slice defines a validation set (the slice itself) and an estimation set (the rest of the data), - the model is re-estimated on the estimation set, - the estimated model is applied on the validation set, - the value of the log likelihood for each observation is reported. :param estimationResults: results of the model estimation based on the full data. :type estimationResults: biogeme.results.bioResults :param validationData: list of estimation and validation data sets :type validationData: list(tuple(pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame)) :return: a list containing as many items as slices. Each item is the result of the simulation on the validation set. :rtype: list(pandas.DataFrame) :raises biogemeError: An error is raised if the database is structured as panel data. """ if self.database.isPanel(): raise excep.biogemeError( 'Validation for panel data is not yet implemented' ) keepDatabase = self.database allSimulationResults = [] for v in validationData: # v[0] is the estimation data set self.database = db.Database('Estimation data', v[0]) self.loglike.changeInitValues(estimationResults.getBetaValues()) results = self.estimate() simulate = {'Loglikelihood': self.loglike} simBiogeme = BIOGEME( db.Database('Validation data', v[1]), simulate ) simResult = simBiogeme.simulate(results.getBetaValues()) allSimulationResults.append(simResult) self.database = keepDatabase if self.generatePickle: fname = f'{self.modelName}_validation' pickleFileName = bf.getNewFileName(fname, 'pickle') with open(pickleFileName, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(allSimulationResults, f) self.logger.general( f'Simulation results saved in file {pickleFileName}' ) return allSimulationResults
[docs] def optimize(self, startingValues=None): """Calls the optimization algorithm. The function self.algorithm is called. :param startingValues: starting point for the algorithm :type startingValues: list(float) :return: x, messages - x is the solution generated by the algorithm, - messages is a dictionary describing several information about the algorithm :rtype: numpay.array, dict(str:object) :raises biogemeError: an error is raised if no algorithm is specified. """ theFunction = negLikelihood( like=self.calculateLikelihood, like_deriv=self.calculateLikelihoodAndDerivatives, scaled=True, ) if startingValues is None: startingValues = self.betaInitValues if self.algorithm is None: err = ( 'An algorithm must be specified. The CFSQP algorithm ' 'is not available anymore.' ) raise excep.biogemeError(err) results = self.algorithm( theFunction, startingValues, self.bounds, self.algoParameters ) return results
[docs] def simulate(self, theBetaValues=None): """Applies the formulas to each row of the database. :param theBetaValues: values of the parameters to be used in the calculations. If None, the default values are used. Default: None. :type theBetaValues: dict(str, float) :return: a pandas data frame with the simulated value. Each row corresponds to a row in the database, and each column to a formula. :rtype: Pandas data frame Example:: # Read the estimation results from a file results = res.bioResults(pickleFile = 'myModel.pickle') # Simulate the formulas using the nominal values simulatedValues = biogeme.simulate(betaValues) :raises biogemeError: if the number of parameters is incorrect """ if self.database.isPanel(): error_msg = ( 'Simulation for panel data is not yet' ' implemented. Remove the "panel" ' 'statement to simulate each observation.' ) raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) if theBetaValues is None: betaValues = self.betaInitValues else: if not isinstance(theBetaValues, dict): err = ( 'Deprecated. A dictionary must be provided. ' 'It can be obtained from results.getBetaValues()' ) raise excep.biogemeError(err) for x in theBetaValues.keys(): if x not in self.freeBetaNames: logger.warning(f'Parameter {x} not present in the model') betaValues = list() for i, x in enumerate(self.freeBetaNames): if x in theBetaValues: betaValues.append(theBetaValues[x]) else: logger.warning( f'Simulation: initial value of {x} not provided.' ) betaValues.append(self.betaInitValues[i]) output = pd.DataFrame( formulas = [v.getSignature() for v in self.formulas.values()] result = self.theC.simulateSeveralFormulas( formulas, betaValues, self.fixedBetaValues,, self.numberOfThreads, ) for key, r in zip(self.formulas.keys(), result): output[key] = r return output
[docs] def oldsimulate(self, theBetaValues=None): """Applies the formulas to each row of the database. This is the old implementation. To be removed in future versions. :param theBetaValues: values of the parameters to be used in the calculations. If None, the default values are used. Default: None. :type theBetaValues: dict(str, float) :return: a pandas data frame with the simulated value. Each row corresponds to a row in the database, and each column to a formula. :rtype: Pandas data frame :raises biogemeError: if the number of parameters is incorrect """ if self.database.isPanel(): error_msg = ( 'Simulation for panel data is not yet' ' implemented. Remove the "panel" ' 'statement to simulate each observation.' ) raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) if theBetaValues is None: betaValues = self.betaInitValues else: if not isinstance(theBetaValues, dict): err = ( 'Deprecated. A dictionary must be provided. ' 'It can be obtained from results.getBetaValues()' ) raise excep.biogemeError(err) for x in theBetaValues.keys(): if x not in self.freeBetaNames: logger.warning(f'Parameter {x} not present in the model') betaValues = list() for i, x in enumerate(self.freeBetaNames): if x in theBetaValues: betaValues.append(theBetaValues[x]) else: logger.warning( f'Simulation: initial value of {x} not provided.' ) betaValues.append(self.betaInitValues[i]) output = pd.DataFrame( for k, v in self.formulas.items(): logger.detailed(f'Simulate {k}') signature = v.getSignature() result = self.theC.simulateFormula( signature, betaValues, self.fixedBetaValues, ) output[k] = result return output
[docs] def confidenceIntervals(self, betaValues, intervalSize=0.9): """Calculate confidence intervals on the simulated quantities :param betaValues: array of parameters values to be used in the calculations. Typically, it is a sample drawn from a distribution. :type betaValues: list(dict(str: float)) :param intervalSize: size of the reported confidence interval, in percentage. If it is denoted by s, the interval is calculated for the quantiles (1-s)/2 and (1+s)/2. The default (0.9) corresponds to quantiles for the confidence interval [0.05, 0.95]. :type intervalSize: float :return: two pandas data frames 'left' and 'right' with the same dimensions. Each row corresponds to a row in the database, and each column to a formula. 'left' contains the left value of the confidence interval, and 'right' the right value Example:: # Read the estimation results from a file results = res.bioResults(pickleFile = 'myModel.pickle') # Retrieve the names of the betas parameters that have been # estimated betas = biogeme.freeBetaNames # Draw 100 realization of the distribution of the estimators b = results.getBetasForSensitivityAnalysis(betas, size = 100) # Simulate the formulas using the nominal values simulatedValues = biogeme.simulate(betaValues) # Calculate the confidence intervals for each formula left, right = biogeme.confidenceIntervals(b, 0.9) :rtype: tuple of two Pandas dataframes. """ listOfResults = [] for b in betaValues: r = self.simulate(b) listOfResults += [r] allResults = pd.concat(listOfResults) r = (1.0 - intervalSize) / 2.0 left = allResults.groupby(level=0).quantile(r) right = allResults.groupby(level=0).quantile(1.0 - r) return left, right
[docs] def createLogFile(self, verbosity=3): """Creates a log file with the messages produced by Biogeme. The name of the file is the name of the model with an extension .log :param verbosity: types of messages to be captured - 0: no output - 1: warnings - 2: only general information - 3: more verbose - 4: debug messages Default: 3. :type verbosity: int """ self.logger.createLog(fileLevel=verbosity, fileName=self.modelName)
def __str__(self): r = f'{self.modelName}: database [{}]' r += str(self.formulas) print(r) return r
[docs]class negLikelihood(functionToMinimize): """Provides the value of the function to be minimized, as well as its derivatives. To be used by the opimization package. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] def __init__(self, like, like_deriv, scaled): """Constructor""" self.recalculate = True """True if the log likelihood must be recalculated """ self.x = None #: Vector of unknown parameters values self.batch = None """Value betwen 0 and 1 defining the size of the batch, that is the percentage of the data that should be used to approximate the log likelihood. """ self.fv = None #: value of the function self.gv = None #: vector with the gradient self.hv = None #: second derivatives matrix self.bhhhv = None #: BHHH matrix = like #: function calculating the log likelihood self.like_deriv = like_deriv """function calculating the log likelihood and its derivatives. """ self.scaled = scaled """if True, the value of the log likelihood is divided by the number of observations used to calculate it. In this case, the values with different sample sizes are comparable. """
[docs] def setVariables(self, x): self.recalculate = True self.x = x self.fv = None self.gv = None self.hv = None self.bhhhv = None
[docs] def f(self, batch=None): if self.x is None: raise excep.biogemeError('The variables must be set first.') if batch is not None or self.batch is not None: self.batch = batch self.recalculate = True if self.fv is None: self.recalculate = True if self.recalculate: self.fv =, self.scaled, self.batch) self.gv = None self.hv = None self.bhhhv = None return -self.fv
[docs] def f_g(self, batch=None): if self.x is None: raise excep.biogemeError('The variables must be set first.') if batch is not None or self.batch is not None: self.batch = batch self.recalculate = True if self.fv is None or self.gv is None: self.recalculate = True if self.recalculate: self.fv, self.gv, *_ = self.like_deriv( self.x, self.scaled, hessian=False, bhhh=False, batch=batch ) self.hv = None self.bhhhv = None return -self.fv, -self.gv
[docs] def f_g_h(self, batch=None): if self.x is None: raise excep.biogemeError('The variables must be set first.') if batch is not None or self.batch is not None: self.batch = batch self.recalculate = True if self.fv is None or self.gv is None or self.hv is None: self.recalculate = True if self.recalculate: self.fv, self.gv, self.hv, _ = self.like_deriv( self.x, self.scaled, hessian=True, bhhh=False, batch=batch ) self.bhhhv = None return -self.fv, -self.gv, -self.hv
[docs] def f_g_bhhh(self, batch=None): if batch is not None or self.batch is not None: self.batch = batch self.recalculate = True if self.x is None: raise excep.biogemeError('The variables must be set first.') if self.fv is None or self.gv is None or self.bhhhv is None: self.recalculate = True if self.recalculate: self.fv, self.gv, _, self.bhhhv = self.like_deriv( self.x, self.scaled, hessian=False, bhhh=True, batch=batch ) self.hv = None return (-self.fv, -self.gv, -self.bhhhv)