Source code for biogeme.assisted

:author: Michel Bierlaire, EPFL
:date: Thu Sep 17 16:21:01 2020

Assisted specification for choice models

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines, invalid-name, too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements

import random
import copy
import html
import biogeme.biogeme as bio
import biogeme.messaging as msg
import biogeme.exceptions as excep
from biogeme import vns
from biogeme.expressions import Beta, bioMultSum

logger = msg.bioMessage()

[docs]class variable: """ Class representing the possible specifications of a variable """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, expression): """ :param name: name of the variable :type name: str :param expression: Biogeme expression of the variable. :type expression: :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` """ = name #: name of the variable self.expression = expression #: Biogeme expression for the variable = False #: True if variable is active self.generic = False #: True if the variable is generic. self.genericName = None #: Name of the generic variable self.nonlinearSpec = None """ Function with the nonlinear specifications. """ self.used = False #: True if variable used in the model.
def __str__(self): """ Print the specification of the variable """ if not return f'{} [deactivated]' if self.nonlinearSpec is None: if self.generic: return f'{} [generic]' return f'{} [alt. spec.]' if self.generic: return ( f'{}_{self.nonlinearSpec(self.expression)[0]}' f' [generic]' ) return ( f'{}_{self.nonlinearSpec(self.expression)[0]}' f' [alt. spec.]' )
[docs] def makeGeneric(self, yes, name): """A variable can have two status: generic or alternative specific. This function changes the status :param yes: if True, status is set to "generic". If False, status is set to "alt. specific". :type yes: bool :param name: name of the generic version of the variable :type name: str """ self.generic = yes self.genericName = name
[docs] def getExpression(self): """Returns the biogeme expression of the specification of the variable. :return: expression accozunting for the status and the nonlinear specification. :rtype: :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` """ if not return None if self.nonlinearSpec is None: return self.expression return self.nonlinearSpec(self.expression)[1]
[docs]class groupOfVariables: """Class representing groups of variables. All variables in the group will have the same nonlinear spec. They can also share the same coefficient. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, variables, nonlinearSpecs): """ Ctor :param name: name of the group of variables :type name: str :param variables: list of variables in the group :type varariables: list(variable) :param nonlinearSpecs: list of possible nonlinear specifications :type nonlinearSpecs: list(function) """ = name #: name of the group of variables. self.variables = variables #: list of variables in the group. self.genericForbiden = len(self.variables) <= 1 """ True of the group cannot be made generic """ self.generic = not self.genericForbiden """ True if the group is generic. """ self.alwaysActive = False """ True if the group is always active. """ = False #: True if the group is active. self.nonlinearSpecs = nonlinearSpecs """ list of possible nonlinear specifications """ self.selection = 0 """Index of the selected non linear specification. """ self.linear = True #: True if linear specification.
def __str__(self): v = [s.__str__() for s in self.variables] if self.generic: return f'{}: {v} [generic][active:{}]' return f'{}: {v} [not generic][active:{}]'
[docs] def forbidGeneric(self): """Forbid the generic specification in the group""" self.genericForbiden = True self.generic = False
[docs] def forceActive(self): """Force the variables in the group to be active.""" logger.detailed( f'Group of variables {} ' f'must be in the model.' ) self.activate(True) self.alwaysActive = True
[docs] def activate(self, yes): """A group of variables can have two status: activated or not. This function changes the status. :param yes: if True, activates the group. If False, desactivate the group. :type yes: bool """ if self.alwaysActive: return = yes for v in self.variables: = yes
[docs] def swapActivate(self): """Change the activation status""" if self.alwaysActive: raise excep.biogemeError( f'Variable {} ' f'cannot be made inactive.' ) return self.activate(not
[docs] def makeGeneric(self, yes): """ A group of variables can be generic or alternative specific. This function changes the status. :param yes: if True, status is set to "generic". If False, status is set to "alt. specific". :type yes: bool :raise biogemeError: if the variable cannot be made generic. """ if yes and self.genericForbiden: raise excep.biogemeError( f'Variable {} ' f'cannot be made generic.' ) self.generic = yes for v in self.variables: v.makeGeneric(yes,
[docs] def swapGeneric(self): """Change the generic/alt. specific status""" if self.genericForbiden: raise excep.biogemeError( f'Variable {} ' f'cannot be made generic.' ) return self.makeGeneric(not self.generic)
[docs] def setLinear(self, yes): """A group of variables can be linear or not. This function changes the status. :param yes: if True, status is set to "linear". If False, status is set to "nonlinear". :type yes: bool """ if self.nonlinearSpecs is None: return self.linear = yes for v in self.variables: if yes: v.nonlinearSpec = None else: v.nonlinearSpec = self.nonlinearSpecs[self.selection]
[docs] def swapLinear(self): """Change the linearity status.""" if self.nonlinearSpecs is None: return self.setLinear(not self.linear)
[docs] def setSelection(self, sel): """Set the selection of the nonlinear specification. :param sel: index of list self.nonlinearSpecs corresponding to the nonlinear spec. :type sel: int :raise biogemeError: if the index is out of range. """ if self.nonlinearSpecs is None: return if sel < 0 or sel >= len(self.nonlinearSpecs): raise excep.biogemeError( f'Index {sel} out of range [0, ' f'{len(self.nonlinearSpecs)-1}]' ) self.selection = sel if not self.linear: for v in self.variables: v.nonlinearSpec = self.nonlinearSpecs[self.selection]
[docs] def getDecisions(self): """The decision is an integer representing the decisions with respect to the group of variables: :return: decision with respect to the group of variables - -3 if it is inactive - -2 if it is active, generic and linear - -1 if it is active, alt. specific and linear - index of the nonlinear specification if active, generic and nonlinear. - 100 plus the index of the nonlinear specification if active, alt. specific and nonlinear. :rtype: int """ if not result = -3 elif self.linear and self.generic: result = -2 elif self.linear and not self.generic: result = -1 elif self.generic: result = self.selection else: result = 100 + self.selection return result
[docs] def setDecisions(self, decision): """ Implement the decision, after verifying its validity :param decision: - -3 if it is inactive - -2 if it is active, generic and linear - -1 if it is active, alt. specific and linear - index of the nonlinear specification if active, generic and nonlinear. - 100 plus the index of the nonlinear specification if active, alt. specific and nonlinear. :type decision: int :raise biogemeError: if the decision is to deactive, while the group should always be active. """ if decision == -3 and self.alwaysActive: error_msg = ( f'Group of variables {} cannot be desactivated' ) raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) self.activate(decision != -3) if decision == -3: return if decision == -2: self.makeGeneric(True) self.setLinear(True) return if decision == -1: self.makeGeneric(False) self.setLinear(True) return self.setLinear(False) if self.nonlinearSpecs is None: raise excep.biogemeError( f'No nonlinear specification has ' f'been provided for {}' ) if decision < 100: self.makeGeneric(True) self.setSelection(decision) return self.makeGeneric(False) self.setSelection(decision - 100) return
[docs]class term: """Class representing the possible specifications of one term of the utility function """
[docs] def __init__(self, var, aSegmentation, bounds, validity): """ Ctor :param var: variable of the term. :type var: variable :param aSegmentation: discrete segmentation for the parameter :type aSegmentation: segmentation :param bounds: bounds on the coefficient :type bounds: tuple(float, float) :param validity: function checking the validity of the coefficient. :type validity: bool f(float) """ self.var = var #: variable of the term self.segmentation = aSegmentation """ discrete segmentation of the parameter """ self.coef_names = None """names of the Beta parameters involved in the specification of the term. """ self.validity = validity """ function checking the validity of the coefficient. """ self.bounds = bounds #: bounds on the coefficient if self.var is not None: self.var.used = True if self.segmentation is not None: self.segmentation.used = True
[docs] def getDecisions(self): """The decision is a dict, where the keys are the name of the socioeconomic variables, and the value are a boolean mentioning if it is active or not. :return: decision of activation of the socio-eco variables for the segmentation. :rtype: dict(str: bool) """ if self.segmentation is None: return None return self.segmentation.getDecisions()
[docs] def setDecisions(self, decisions): """Implement the specification decisions, represented as a dict, where the keys are the name of the socioeconomic variables, and the value are a boolean mentioning if it is active or not. :param decisions: decision of activation of the socio-eco variables for the segmentation. :type decisions: dict(str: bool) """ if self.segmentation is None: return self.segmentation.setDecisions(decisions)
[docs] def getBeta(self, altname): """ Obtain the name of the coefficient of the term :param altname: name of the alternative :type altname: str :return: name of the coefficient :rtype: str """ if self.var is None: return f'beta_{altname}' if self.var.generic: return f'beta_{self.var.genericName}' return f'beta_{}_{altname}'
[docs] def isValid(self, altname, estimationResults): """ Check the validity of the estimated coefficient :param altname: name of the laternative :type altname: str :param estimationResults: results of the estimation with Biogeme :type estimationResults: :class:`biogeme.results.bioResults` :return: True if the valus is valid, False otherwise. :rtype: bool :raise biogemeError: if the parameter has not be estimated. """ if self.validity is None: return True, None if not return True, None estimatedValues = estimationResults.getBetaValues() betaName = self.getBeta(altname) status_msg = None for b in self.segmentation.getBetaNames(betaName): val = estimatedValues.get(b) if val is None: p = list(estimatedValues.keys()) raise excep.biogemeError( f'Parameter {b}' f' has not been estimated. ' f'Estimated parameters: ' f'{p}' ) ok = self.validity(val) if not ok: if status_msg is None: status_msg = 'Invalid parameter(s):' status_msg += f' {b} in alternative {altname}: {val}' return status_msg is None, status_msg
[docs] def getExpression(self, altname): """ Build the Biogeme expression for the term :param altname: name of the alternative :type altname: str :return: eypression for the term :rtype: :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` """ if self.var is None: coef_name = self.getBeta(altname) if self.segmentation is None: return Beta(coef_name, 0, self.bounds[0], self.bounds[1], 0) self.coef_names = [coef_name] return self.segmentation.getExpression(coef_name, self.bounds) if not self.coef_names = None return None coef_name = self.getBeta(altname) if self.segmentation is None: self.coef_names = [coef_name] return self.var.getExpression() * Beta( coef_name, 0, self.bounds[0], self.bounds[1], 0 ) theBeta = self.segmentation.getExpression(coef_name, self.bounds) self.coef_names = list(theBeta.setOfBetas()) return self.var.getExpression() * theBeta
[docs] def describe(self): """ Provides a short description of the term. :return: short description. :rtype: str """ if self.var is None: result = 'Cte.' elif not return '' else: result = str(self.var) if self.segmentation is not None: result += ' ' result += self.segmentation.describe() return result
[docs]class utility: """Class representing the possible specifications of a utility function"""
[docs] def __init__(self, alternativeId, name, terms): """ Ctor. :param alternativeId: id of the alternative. :type alternativeId: int :param name: name of the alternative :type name: str :param terms: terms of the utility function. :type terms: list(term) """ = name #: name of the alternative = alternativeId #: id of the alternative self.terms = terms #: list of terms in the utility function
[docs] def getExpression(self): """ Obtain the Biogeme expression for the utility function. :return: Biogeme expression :rtype: :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` """ theTerms = [ t.getExpression( for t in self.terms if t.getExpression( is not None ] return bioMultSum(theTerms)
[docs]class socioEconomic: """Class representing socio-economic characteristic"""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, expression, values): """Ctor :param name: name of the segmentation variable :type name: str :param expression: Biogeme expression of the variable :type expression: meth:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` :param values: dict with values that it can take as keys, and a name describing them as values. :type values: dict(int: str) """ = name #: name of the segmentation variable self.expression = expression #: Biogeme expression of the variable self.values = values """dict with values that it can take as keys, and a name describing them as values. """ = False #: True if the segmentation variable is active.
[docs] def combine(self, existingValues): """Generates the possible combinations of values, corresponding to segments. """ if existingValues is None: return [ ([self.expression], [k], [v]) for k, v in self.values.items() ] combination = [] for k, v in self.values.items(): for triplet in existingValues: combination.append( ( triplet[0] + [self.expression], triplet[1] + [k], triplet[2] + [v], ) ) return combination
[docs]class segmentation: """Class representing the possible segmentations"""
[docs] def __init__(self, dictOfSocioEco): """ Ctor """ self.dictOfSocioEco = { k: socioEconomic(k, v[0], v[1]) for k, v in dictOfSocioEco.items() } """dict of object of class socioEconomic characterizing the segmentation. """ self.listOfVariables = [] #: list of variables involved self.alwaysActive = False #: True if it must always be active self.used = False #: True if used.
def __str__(self): return f'{self.dictOfSocioEco}'
[docs] def getDecisions(self): """The decision is a dict, where the keys are the name of the socioeconomic variables, and the value are a boolean mentioning if it is active or not. :return: decision of activation of the socio-eco variables for the segmentation. :rtype: dict(str: bool) """ decision = {k: for k, v in self.dictOfSocioEco.items()} return decision
[docs] def setDecisions(self, decisions): """Implement the specification decisions, represented as a dict, where the keys are the name of the socioeconomic variables, and the value are a boolean mentioning if it is active or not. :param decisions: decision of activation of the socio-eco variables for the segmentation. :type decisions: dict(str: bool) :raise biogemeError: if the name of a segmentation is unknown """ for k, v in decisions.items(): try: self.dictOfSocioEco[k].active = v except KeyError as e: error_msg = ( f'Key {k} is unknown. ' f'Available segmentations: ' f'{list(self.dictOfSocioEco.keys())}' ) raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) from e
[docs] def isActive(self): """Check if there are active variables for this segmentation.""" if self.alwaysActive: return True activeVariables = sum( [ if v is not None else True for v in self.listOfVariables] ) return activeVariables > 0
[docs] def getBetaNames(self, coef_name): """Get the name of the parameters for all combinations.""" combinations = None for v in self.dictOfSocioEco.values(): if combinations = v.combine(combinations) if combinations is None: return [coef_name] betas = [] for triplet in combinations: theCoefName = coef_name for _, _, name in zip(triplet[0], triplet[1], triplet[2]): theCoefName = f'{theCoefName}_{name}' betas.append(theCoefName) return betas
[docs] def getExpression(self, coef_name, bounds): """Obtain the Biogeme expression. :param coef_name: name of the coefficient :type coef_name: str :param bounds: bounds on the coefficient :type bounds: tuple(float, float) :return: biogeme expression for the segmentation :rtype: :class:`biogeme.expressions.bioMultSum` """ combinations = None for v in self.dictOfSocioEco.values(): if combinations = v.combine(combinations) if combinations is None: return Beta(coef_name, 0, bounds[0], bounds[1], 0) listOfTerms = [] for triplet in combinations: theCoefName = coef_name listOfConditions = [] for var, value, name in zip(triplet[0], triplet[1], triplet[2]): theCoefName = f'{theCoefName}_{name}' listOfConditions.append(var == value) aTerm = Beta(theCoefName, 0, bounds[0], bounds[1], 0) for t in listOfConditions: aTerm = aTerm * t listOfTerms.append(aTerm) return bioMultSum(listOfTerms)
[docs] def describe(self): """Description of the segmentation :return: description :rtype: str """ active = [ for t in self.dictOfSocioEco.values() if] if active: return '<' + ', '.join(active) + '>' return ''
[docs]class specificationProblem(vns.problemClass): """Class defining the choice model specification problem"""
[docs] def __init__( self, name, database, theVariables, theGroups, genericForbiden, forceActive, theNonlinearSpecs, theSegmentations, utilities, availabilities, choice, models, ): """Ctor. :param name: name of the problem. :type name: str :param database: data for the estimation :type database: :class:`biogeme.database.Database` :param theVariables: variables involved in the model and their names :type theVariables: dict(str: :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression`) :param theGroups: variables in the same groups share the same transforms and activation status. Each group is characterized by its name, and is associated to a list of variables, identified by their name. :type theGroups: dict(str: list(str)) :param genericForbiden: groups of variables that must be alternative specific. :type genericForbiden: list(str) :param forceActive: groups of variables that must be in the model. :type forceActive: list(str) :param theNonlinearSpecs: associates a group of variables or a variable with a list of possible nonlinear transformations. Each transformation is a function that takes one argument (the variable), and return a tuple with - the name of the nonlinear transform - the expression of the transform. Examples of such a function:: def sqrt(x): return 'sqrt', x**0.5 def boxcox(x): ell = Beta(f'lambda', 1, 0.0001, 3.0, 0) return 'Box-Cox', models.boxcox(x, ell) :type theNonlinearSpecs: dict(str: list( fct() )) :param theSegmentations: a dictionary, with keys being names and values beeing tuples (var, segments), where - var is the name of the variable - segments is a dict with keys being the value of the variable characterizing a segment, and the value being the name of the segment. Example:: {'Income': (Income, {1: '<2500', 2: '2051_4000', 3: '4001_6000', 4: '6001_8000', 5: '8001_10000', 6: '>10000', -1: 'unknown'}), 'Gender': (Gender, {1: 'male', 2: 'female', -1: 'unkown'}), :type theSegmentations: dict(str, tuple(biogeme.expression.Expression, dict(int, str))) :param utilities: specification of the utility functions. It is a dict where - the keys are the ID of the alternatives. - the values are a tuple containing the name of the alternative and the specification. The specification is a list of terms. A term is a tuple with the name of the variable, the name of the segmentation, the bounds on the coeffcient, and a function checking the validity of the corresponding parameter (typically, check its sign). All can be None. If they are all None, it corresponds to the alternative specification constant, without any segmentation and any assumption on the sign. Example:: utility_pt = [('PT cte', 'Seg. cte', (None, None), None), ('PT travel time', 'Seg. time', (None, 0), None), ('PT travel cost', 'Seg. PT cost', (None, None), isNegative), ('PT Waiting time', 'Seg. wait', (None, 0), None)] utility_car = [('Car cte', 'Seg. cte', (None, None), None), ('Car travel time', 'Seg. time', (None, 0), None), ( 'Car travel cost', 'Seg. car cost', (None, None), isNegative ), ('Nbr of cars', 'Seg nbr cars', (None, None), None)] utility_sm = [( 'Distance', 'Seg. dist', (None, None), isNegative )] choiceModel = {0: ('pt', utility_pt), 1: ('car', utility_car), 2: ('sm', utility_sm)} :type utilities: dict(int, tuple(str, list(tuple(str, str, tuple(float, float),function)))) :param availabilities: dict describing the availability of the alternatives. :type availabilities: dict(int, :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression`) :param choice: expression for the observed choice :type choice: :class:`biogeme.expressions.Expression` :param models: dict of possible models. A model is a function that takes the utilities and the availabilities, and return the loglikelihood expression. :type models: dict(str, fct) :raise biogemeError: if a variable is found in two different groups. :raise biogemeError: if the list of groups forbiden to be active contains an unknown group. :raise biogemeError: if the list of groups forced to be active contains an unknown group. :raise biogemeError: if some variables are not in any group. :raise biogemeError: if a segmentation in a utility function is unknown. :raise biogemeError: if a variable in a utility function is unknown. :raise biogemeError: if some variables are not used. """ self.archive = {} """Dictionary, where the keys are solutions (objects of type :class:`biogeme.vns.solutionClass`) and the values are the estimation results (objects of type :class:`biogeme.results.bioResults`). """ = name #: name of the problem. self.database = database """object of type :class:`biogeme.database.Database`, containing the data. """ # First check if all the variables are in a group. For those # who are not, create a group with a single variable groupForVar = {k: None for k in theVariables} for group, listOfVars in theGroups.items(): for x in listOfVars: if groupForVar[x] is None: groupForVar[x] = group else: error_msg = ( f'Var {x} cannot be both in group {group}' f' and group {groupForVar[x]}' ) raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) for x, g in groupForVar.items(): if g is None: logger.detailed(f'Variable {x} is alone in a group.') theGroups[x] = [x] self.theVariables = { k: variable(k, v) for k, v in theVariables.items() } """dict of variables, where the keys are the names, and the values are objects of class ``variable`` """ self.theGroups = { k: groupOfVariables( k, [self.theVariables[i] for i in v], theNonlinearSpecs.get(k) ) for k, v in theGroups.items() } """dict of groups of variables, where the keys are the names, and the values are objects of class ``groupOfVariables`` """ if genericForbiden is not None: for k in genericForbiden: try: self.theGroups[k].forbidGeneric() except KeyError as e: error_msg = ( f'Unknown group of variables {k} ' f'in the list {genericForbiden}' ) raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) from e if forceActive is not None: for k in forceActive: try: self.theGroups[k].forceActive() except KeyError as e: error_msg = ( f'Unknown group of variables {k} ' f'in the list {forceActive}' ) raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) from e check = {v: False for v in theVariables} for k, myvars in theGroups.items(): for v in myvars: check[v] = True for k, c in check.items(): if not c: error_msg = ( f'Variables not in any group: ' f'{[k for k, c in check.items() if not c]}' ) raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) self.theSegmentations = { k: segmentation(v) for k, v in theSegmentations.items() } """dict of segmentations, where the keys are the names, and the values are objects of class ``segmentation`` """ self.utilities = utilities """specification of the utility functions. See :class:`biogeme.assisted.specificationProblem.__init__` """ self.choice = choice #: expression for the observed choice self.availability = availabilities """dict describing the availability of the alternatives. """ self.theAlternatives = {} """Dict of utility functions, where the keys are the id of the alternatives, and the values are objects of type :class:`biogeme.assisted.utility` """ # self.models = [(k, v) for k, v in models.items()] self.models = list(models.items()) """ List tuple (name, model). A model is a function that takes the utilities and the availabilities, and return the loglikelihood expression. """ self.selectedModel = 0 #: index of the selected model self.maximumNumberOfParameters = 200 """maximum number of parameters allowed in a specification. If the current model has more parameters, it is declared invalid and rejected by the algorithm. """ self.lastOperator = None #: Last operator used self.operators = { 'Change segmentation': self.changeSegmentation, 'Increase segmentation': self.increaseSegmentation, 'Decrease segmentation': self.decreaseSegmentation, 'Change linearity': self.changeLinearity, 'Change variables': self.changeVariables, 'Change generic': self.changeGeneric, 'Change nonlinearity': self.changeNonlinearity, 'Change model': self.changeModel, } """Dict of operators, where the keys are the names, and the values are the function imple,enting the operators. """ self.operatorsManagement = vns.operatorsManagement( self.operators.keys() ) """ Object of type :class:`biogeme.vns.operatorsManagement` """ # Check the consistency of the input for k, u in self.utilities.items(): # All segmentations must exist for t in u[1]: # t[0] name of the variable # t[1] name of the segmentation # t[2] bounds # t[3] function checking validity if ( t[1] is not None and self.theSegmentations.get(t[1]) is None ): raise excep.biogemeError( f'Segmentation {t[1]} ' f'does not exist' ) if t[0] is not None and self.theVariables.get(t[0]) is None: raise excep.biogemeError(f'Variable {t[0]} does not exist') self.theAlternatives[k] = utility( k, u[0], [ term( self.theVariables.get(t[0]), self.theSegmentations.get(t[1]), t[2], t[3], ) for t in u[1] ], ) if t[1] is not None: self.theSegmentations[t[1]].listOfVariables.append( self.theVariables.get(t[0]) ) # If the segmentation is not associated with a # variable, it must always be active if t[2] is None: self.theSegmentations[t[1]].alwaysActive = True self.decisions = self.getDecisions() """ The decisions consist of: - a dict of decisions for each group of variables. - for each utility, a list of decisions for each term. - the selected model Type: tuple(dict(str: int), dict(str: list(dict(str: bool))), int) """ unused = list() for v in self.theVariables.values(): if not v.used: unused.append( if unused: raise excep.biogemeError( f'The following variables ' f'are not used: {unused}' ) unused = list() for s in self.theSegmentations.values(): if not s.used: unused.append( if unused: raise excep.biogemeError( f'The following variables ' f'are not used: {unused}' )
[docs] def getBiogemeModel(self): """Build the Biogeme expressions of a given specification""" V = {k: v.getExpression() for k, v in self.theAlternatives.items()} logprob = self.models[self.selectedModel][1]( V, self.availability, self.choice ) b = bio.BIOGEME( self.database, logprob, suggestScales=False, numberOfThreads=10, userNotes=self.describeHtml(), ) b.generateHtml = False b.generatePickle = False return b
[docs] def getDecisions(self): """ The decisions consist of: - a dict of decisions for each group of variables. - for each utility, a list of decisions for each term. - the selected model :return: all decisions :rtype: tuple(dict(str: int), dict(str: list(dict(str: bool))), int) """ groupDecisions = { k: v.getDecisions() for k, v in self.theGroups.items() } termDecisions = { k: [t.getDecisions() for t in u.terms] for k, u in self.theAlternatives.items() } return groupDecisions, termDecisions, self.selectedModel
[docs] def setDecisions(self, decisions): """Implement the specification decisions :param decisions: specification decisions :type decisions: tuple(dict(str: int), dict(str: list(dict(str: bool))), int) :raise biogemeError: if a group of variables is unknown. :raise biogemeError: if an alternative is unknown. :raise biogemeError: if the length of decisions is inconsistent with the number of terms in the utility function. :raise biogemeError: if the njumber of the model is out of range. """ if self.decisions == decisions: return self.decisions = decisions groupDecisions, termDecisions, modelDecision = decisions for k, v in groupDecisions.items(): g = self.theGroups.get(k) if g is None: raise excep.biogemeError( f'Unknown group of variables {k}. ' f'Existing groups: ' f'{list(self.theGroups.keys())}' ) g.setDecisions(v) for k, v in termDecisions.items(): u = self.theAlternatives.get(k) if u is None: raise excep.biogemeError( f'Unkown alternative {u}. ' f'Existing alternatives: ' f'{list(self.utilities.keys())}' ) if len(u.terms) != len(v): raise excep.biogemeError( f'Utility of {k} has {len(u.terms)}' f' terms and decisions are for ' f'{len(v)} terms' ) for t, d in zip(u.terms, v): t.setDecisions(d) if modelDecision < 0 or modelDecision >= len(self.models): raise excep.biogemeError( f'Invalid model number: {modelDecision}.' f' Must be between 0 and ' f'{len(self.models)-1}' ) self.selectedModel = modelDecision
[docs] def reset(self): """ Deasactivate variables from the model, that can be deactivated. """ for g in self.theGroups.values(): g.activate(False) for seg in self.theSegmentations.values(): decisions = seg.getDecisions() decisions = {x: False for x in decisions} seg.setDecisions(decisions)
[docs] def generateSolution(self, nonlinearSpecs, segmentations, model): """Generate a solution for the VNS algorithm :param nonlinearSpecs: nonlinear specifications. It is a dictionary where - the keys correspond to groups of variables, - the values are tuple with two entries: - index in the list self.nonlinearSpecs corresponding to the nonlinear spec, or None if linear, - a boolean that is True if the coefficient is generic, False otherwise. Example:: nl = {'Travel time': (0, False), 'Travel cost': (0, False), 'Headway': (0, False)} :type nonlinearSpecs: dict(str: tuple(int, bool)) :param segmentations: dictionary where the keys are the name of the segmentations, and the values are lists of socio-economic characteristics that must be activated. Example:: sg = {'Seg. cte': ['GA'], 'Seg. cost': ['class', 'who'], 'Seg. time': ['gender'], 'Seg. headway': ['class']} :type segmentations: dict(str: list(str)) :param model: selected model :type model: str :return: the solution that has been generated :rtype: class solution :raise biogemeError: if a variable is set ot generic. Only groups of variables can be made generic. :raise biogemeError: if a group of variables is unknown :raise biogemeError: if an error occurs in setting the segmentation decisions :raise biogemeError: if the model is unknown. """ self.reset() for k, (nl, generic) in nonlinearSpecs.items(): if k in self.theGroups: self.theGroups[k].activate(True) self.theGroups[k].makeGeneric(generic) if nl is None: self.theGroups[k].setLinear(True) else: self.theGroups[k].setLinear(False) self.theGroups[k].setSelection(nl) elif k in self.theVariables: self.theVariables[k].active = True self.theVariables[k].nonlinearSpecs = nl if generic: raise excep.biogemeError( f'Only groups of variables can ' f'be made generic, not {k}' ) else: raise excep.biogemeError(f'Unknown (group of) variable(s) {k}') for k, seg in segmentations.items(): decisions = self.theSegmentations[k].getDecisions() decisions = {x: False for x in decisions} decisions = {x: True for x in seg} try: self.theSegmentations[k].setDecisions(decisions) except excep.biogemeError as e: error_msg = f'Error in segmentation of {k}: {e}' raise excep.biogemeError(error_msg) from e self.selectedModel = None for i, pair in enumerate(self.models): if pair[0] == model: self.selectedModel = i if self.selectedModel is None: raise excep.biogemeError(f'Unknown model {model}') return self.getSolution()
[docs] def getSolution(self): """Generate an object of the class ``solution`` :return: the solution that has been generated :rtype: class solution """ s = solution() s.decisions = self.getDecisions() s.description = self.describeCurrentModel() s.objectives = self.archive.get(s) return s
[docs] def setSolution(self, aSolution): """Import a solution defined as an object of class ``solution``. :param aSolution: solution to be imported. :type aSolution: class solution :raise biogemeError: if the object has the wrong type. """ if not isinstance(aSolution, vns.solutionClass): raise excep.biogemeError( f'Wrong type: {type(aSolution)} ' f'instead of vns.solutionClass' ) self.setDecisions(aSolution.decisions)
[docs] def clone(self): """Clone the model, in order to generate neighbors :return: a clone :rtype: specificationProblem """ c = copy.deepcopy(self) return c
[docs] def describeCurrentModel(self): """Generates a description of the current model :return: model description. :rtype: str """ result = f'{self.models[self.selectedModel][0]}' for v in self.theAlternatives.values(): title = f'Alternative {} [{}]\n' result += '-' * len(title) result += '\n' result += title result += '-' * len(title) result += '\n' for t in v.terms: result += t.describe() result += '\n' return result
[docs] def describe(self, aSolution): """Generates (if necessary) and returns a short description of the solution :param aSolution: solution that must be described. :type aSolution: class solution :return: description of the solution :rtype: str """ if aSolution.description is not None: return aSolution.description solution.description = self.describeCurrentModel() return solution.description
[docs] def describeHtml(self): """Generates a description of the model in HTML format. :return: description of the model in HTML format. :rtype: str """ result = ( f'<p><strong>Model: {self.models[self.selectedModel][0]}' f'</strong></p>' ) for v in self.theAlternatives.values(): title = f'<p><strong>Alternative {} [{}]</strong></p>' result += title for t in v.terms: result += '<p>' result += html.escape(t.describe(), quote=True) result += '</p>' result += '\n' return result
[docs] def isValid(self, aSolution): """Evaluate the validity of the solution. :param aSolution: solution to be checked :type aSolution: class solution :return: valid, why where valid is True if the solution is valid, and False otherwise. ``why`` contains an explanation why it is invalid. :rtype: tuple(bool, str) """ if aSolution.valid is not None: return aSolution.valid, aSolution.causeInvalidity try: self.setSolution(aSolution) except excep.biogemeError as e: logger.warning(f'Exception raised: {e}') aSolution.valid = False aSolution.causeInvalidity = e return False, e estimationResults = self.archive.get(aSolution) if estimationResults is None: estimationResults = self.evaluate(aSolution) if aSolution.valid is not None: return aSolution.valid, aSolution.causeInvalidity if estimationResults is None: aSolution.valid = False e = 'Failed estimation' aSolution.causeInvalidity = e return False, e if estimationResults.numberOfFreeParameters() == 0: aSolution.valid = False e = 'No parameter has been estimated' aSolution.causeInvalidity = e return False, e error_msg = '' ok = True for u in self.theAlternatives.values(): for t in u.terms: tok, tmsg = t.isValid(, estimationResults) if not tok: ok = False error_msg += f', {tmsg}' if ok: aSolution.valid = True return True, None aSolution.valid = False aSolution.causeInvalidity = error_msg return False, error_msg
[docs] def evaluate(self, aSolution): """Evaluate the objectives functions of the solution and store them in the solution object. :param aSolution: solution to be evaluated :type aSolution: solutionClass :return: results of the estimation :rtype: class :class:`biogeme.results.bioResults` """ estimationResults = self.archive.get(aSolution) if estimationResults is not None: return estimationResults self.setSolution(aSolution) b = self.getBiogemeModel() logger.detailed( f'Evaluate model with ' f'{len(b.freeBetaNames)} parameters.' ) if len(b.freeBetaNames) == 0: estimationResults = None self.archive[aSolution] = estimationResults aSolution.valid = False aSolution.causeInvalidity = 'Model with 0 parameters' return estimationResults if len(b.freeBetaNames) > self.maximumNumberOfParameters: estimationResults = None self.archive[aSolution] = estimationResults aSolution.valid = False aSolution.causeInvalidity = ( f'More than {self.maximumNumberOfParameters}' f' parameters: {len(b.freeBetaNames)}' ) return estimationResults algoParameters = {'proportionAnalyticalHessian': 0.0, 'maxiter': 200} try: logger.temporarySilence() estimationResults = b.quickEstimate(algoParameters=algoParameters) logger.resume() aSolution.objectives = [, estimationResults.numberOfFreeParameters(), ] except excep.biogemeError as e: logger.warning(f'Exception raised: {e}') estimationResults = None aSolution.valid = False aSolution.causeInvalidity = ( f'Exception raised during estimation: {e}' ) self.archive[aSolution] = estimationResults return estimationResults
[docs] def checkAvailability(self): """Check the availability of each operator. :return: a dictionary with the availability status of each operator :rtype: dict(str: bool) """ av = {k: v(audit=True) != 0 for k, v in self.operators.items()} return av
[docs] def generateNeighbor(self, aSolution, neighborhoodSize): """ Generates a neighbor of the solution. :param aSolution: solution to be modified :type aSolution: class solution :param neighborhoodSize: size of the neighborhood to be applied :type neighborhoodSize: int :return: a neighbor solution, and the number of changes that have been actually applied. :rtype: tuple(class solution, int) """ self.setSolution(aSolution) # Identify the operators available for the current specification self.operatorsManagement.available = self.checkAvailability() # Select one operator. self.lastOperator = self.operatorsManagement.selectOperator() logger.detailed(f'Apply operator {self.lastOperator}') changes = self.applyOperator(self.lastOperator, neighborhoodSize) return self.getSolution(), changes
[docs] def neighborRejected(self, aSolution, aNeighbor): """Notify that a neighbor has been rejected by the algorithm. Used to update the statistics on the operators. :param aSolution: solution modified. Not used in this implementation. :type aSolution: class solution :param aNeighbor: neighbor :type aNeighbor: solutionClass :raise biogemeError: if no operator has been used yet. """ if self.lastOperator is None: raise excep.biogemeError('No operator has been used yet.') self.operatorsManagement.decreaseScore(self.lastOperator)
[docs] def neighborAccepted(self, aSolution, aNeighbor): """Notify that a neighbor has been accepted by the algorithm. Used to update the statistics on the operators. :param aSolution: solution modified. Not used in this implementation. :type aSolution: solutionClass :param aNeighbor: neighbor :type aNeighbor: solutionClass :raise biogemeError: if no operator has been used yet. """ if self.lastOperator is None: raise excep.biogemeError('No operator has been used yet.') self.operatorsManagement.increaseScore(self.lastOperator)
[docs] def applyOperator(self, name, size=1): """Apply an operator. :param name: name of the operator to apply :type name: str :param size: size of the neighborhood :type size: int :return: total number of changes actually made on the solution :rtype: int :raise biogemeError: if the name of the operator is unknown. """ op = self.operators.get(name) if op is None: raise excep.biogemeError(f'Unknowns operator: {name}') return op(size)
[docs] def changeSegmentation(self, size=1, audit=False): """ Change the interaction, while keeping the number of them """ totalChanges = 0 segments = list(self.theSegmentations.keys()) random.shuffle(segments) for s in segments: if not self.theSegmentations[s].isActive(): changes = 0 else: d = self.theSegmentations[s].getDecisions() active = [k for k, v in d.items() if v] inactive = [k for k, v in d.items() if not v] changes = min([size, len(active), len(inactive)]) totalChanges += changes if not audit: for i in range(changes): newd = d newd[active[i]] = False newd[inactive[i]] = True self.theSegmentations[s].setDecisions(newd) if totalChanges == size: return totalChanges return totalChanges
[docs] def increaseSegmentation(self, size=1, audit=False): """ Add a level of segmentation. """ candidates = [] segments = list(self.theSegmentations.keys()) for s in segments: if self.theSegmentations[s].isActive(): d = self.theSegmentations[s].getDecisions() inactive = [k for k, v in d.items() if not v] candidates += [(s, k) for k in inactive] changes = min(size, len(candidates)) if not audit: random.shuffle(candidates) for i in range(changes): s, k = candidates[i] d = self.theSegmentations[s].getDecisions() d[k] = True d = self.theSegmentations[s].setDecisions(d) return changes
[docs] def decreaseSegmentation(self, size=1, audit=False): """ Remove a level of segmentation. """ candidates = [] segments = list(self.theSegmentations.keys()) for s in segments: if self.theSegmentations[s].isActive(): d = self.theSegmentations[s].getDecisions() active = [k for k, v in d.items() if v] candidates += [(s, k) for k in active] changes = min(size, len(candidates)) if not audit: random.shuffle(candidates) for i in range(changes): s, k = candidates[i] d = self.theSegmentations[s].getDecisions() d[k] = False d = self.theSegmentations[s].setDecisions(d) return changes
[docs] def changeLinearity(self, size=1, audit=False): """ Make linear if non linear, and the other way around. """ groups = [g for g in self.theGroups.keys() if self.theGroups[g].active] random.shuffle(groups) changes = min([size, len(groups)]) if not audit: for i in range(changes): self.theGroups[groups[i]].swapLinear() return changes
[docs] def changeVariables(self, size=1, audit=False): """ Activate groups of variables """ groups = [ g for g in self.theGroups.keys() if not self.theGroups[g].alwaysActive ] random.shuffle(groups) changes = min([size, len(groups)]) if not audit: for i in range(changes): self.theGroups[groups[i]].swapActivate() return changes
[docs] def changeGeneric(self, size=1, audit=False): """ Change generic vs alternative specific status """ groups = [ g for g in self.theGroups.keys() if self.theGroups[g].active and not self.theGroups[g].genericForbiden ] random.shuffle(groups) changes = min([size, len(groups)]) if not audit: for i in range(changes): self.theGroups[groups[i]].swapGeneric() return changes
[docs] def changeNonlinearity(self, size=1, audit=False): """ Change the nature of the nonlinear specification """ groups = [ g for g in self.theGroups.keys() if self.theGroups[g].active and not self.theGroups[g].linear ] random.shuffle(groups) changes = min([size, len(groups)]) if not audit: for i in range(changes): # We need to select randomly a specification different # from the current one nbrOfValues = len(self.theGroups[groups[i]].nonlinearSpecs) values = set(range(nbrOfValues)) values.remove(self.theGroups[groups[i]].selection) sel = random.choice(list(values)) self.theGroups[groups[i]].setSelection(sel) return changes
[docs] def changeModel(self, size=1, audit=False): """ Select randomly another model from the list :param size: not used here. Muxt be there for compliance with the call of operators. :type size: int :param audit: if True, returns the number of changes without actually implementing them. :type audit: bool :return: 0 if no other model could be found. 1 otherwise. :rtype: int """ candidates = set(range(len(self.models))) candidates.remove(self.selectedModel) if not candidates: return 0 if not audit: self.selectedModel = random.choice(list(candidates)) return 1
[docs]class solution(vns.solutionClass): """ Class representing one solution, that is, one model specification. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.objectivesNames = ['Neg. log likelihood', '#parameters'] """ Names of the objective functions """ self.objectives = None #: values of the objectives self.valid = None #: True if the solution is valid self.causeInvalidity = None """If the solution is invalid, contains the cause of the invalidity """ self.decisions = None """ The decisions consist of: - a dict of decisions for each group of variables. - for each utility, a list of decisions for each term. - the selected model Type: tuple(dict(str: int), dict(str: list(dict(str: bool))), int) """ self.description = None #: description of the solution
def __repr__(self): return str(self.decisions) def __str__(self): if self.description is None: raise excep.biogemeError( 'Description of the solution not available' ) res = self.description for t, r in zip(self.objectivesNames, self.objectives): res += f'\n{t}: {r}' return res