Source code for biogeme.version

"""Information about the version of Biogeme

:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Tue Mar 26 16:45:15 2019

import datetime

# Release date
versionDate = f'{}'
AUTHOR = 'Michel Bierlaire'
DEPARTMENT = 'Transport and Mobility Laboratory'
UNIVERSITY = 'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)'

__version__ = '3.2.12'

[docs]def getVersion(): """ Version of the software :return: version number, and the release. :rtype: string """ return __version__
[docs]def getHtml(): """Package information in HTML format :return: HTML code. :rtype: string """ html = f'<p>biogeme {getVersion()} [{versionDate}]</p>\n' html += ( '<p><a href="" ' 'target="_blank">Python</a> package</p>\n' ) html += ( f'<p>Home page: <a href="{URL_BIOGEME}" ' f'target="_blank">{URL_BIOGEME}</a></p>\n' ) html += ( f'<p>Submit questions to <a href="{URL_FORUM}" ' f'target="_blank">{URL_FORUM}</a></p>\n' ) html += f'<p><a href="{URL_AUTHOR}">' html += AUTHOR html += '</a>, <a href="' html += URL_DEPARTMENT html += '">' html += DEPARTMENT html += '</a>, <a href="' html += URL_UNIVERSITY html += '">' html += UNIVERSITY.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').decode() html += '</a></p>\n' return html
[docs]def getText(): """Package information in text format :return: package information :rtype: string """ text = f'biogeme {getVersion()} [{versionDate}]\n' text += f'Home page: {URL_BIOGEME}\n' text += f'Submit questions to {URL_FORUM}\n' text += f'{AUTHOR}, {DEPARTMENT}, {UNIVERSITY}\n' return text
[docs]def getLaTeX(): """Package information in LaTeX format :return: LaTeX comments :rtype: string """ latex = f'%% biogeme {getVersion()} [{versionDate}]\n' latex += '%% Version entirely written in Python\n' latex += f'%% Home page: {URL_BIOGEME}\n' latex += f'%% Submit questions to {URL_FORUM}\n' latex += f'%% {AUTHOR}, {DEPARTMENT}, {UNIVERSITY}\n' return latex