Source code for biogeme.default_parameters

"""Generation of the default parameter file and values

:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Wed Nov 30 10:14:35 2022

IMPORTANT: when only one "check" function is provided, do not forget
to insert a comma at the end, before the closing parenthesis for the

from typing import NamedTuple, Union, Type, Callable
import numpy as np
import biogeme.optimization as opt
import biogeme.check_parameters as cp

[docs]class ParameterTuple(NamedTuple): name: str value: Union[bool, int, float, str] type: Type section: str description: str check: Callable
all_parameters_tuple = ( ParameterTuple( name='identification_threshold', value=1.0e-5, type=float, section='Output', description=( 'float: if the smallest eigenvalue of the second derivative ' 'matrix is lesser or equal to this parameter, the model is ' 'considered not identified. The corresponding eigenvector ' 'is then reported to identify the parameters involved in the issue.' ), check=(cp.is_number,), ), ParameterTuple( name='only_robust_stats', value=True, type=bool, section='Output', description=( 'bool: "True" if only the robust statistics need to be reported.' ' If "False", the statistics from the Rao-Cramer bound are ' 'also reported.' ), check=(cp.is_boolean,), ), ParameterTuple( name='generate_html', value=True, type=bool, section='Output', description=( 'bool: "True" if the HTML file with the results must be generated.' ), check=(cp.is_boolean,), ), ParameterTuple( name='generate_pickle', value=True, type=bool, section='Output', description=( 'bool: "True" if the pickle file with the ' 'results must be generated.' ), check=(cp.is_boolean,), ), ParameterTuple( name='number_of_threads', value=0, type=int, section='MultiThreading', description=( 'int: Number of threads/processors to be used. If' ' the parameter is 0, the number of' ' available threads is calculated using' ' cpu_count().' ), check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_non_negative), ), ParameterTuple( name='number_of_draws', value=20000, type=int, section='MonteCarlo', description=('int: Number of draws for Monte-Carlo integration.'), check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_positive), ), ParameterTuple( name='missing_data', value=99999, type=int, section='Specification', description=( 'number: If one variable has this value, it is assumed' ' that a data is missing and an exception will' ' be triggered.' ), check=(cp.is_number,), ), ParameterTuple( name='seed', value=0, type=int, section='MonteCarlo', description=( 'int: Seed used for the pseudo-random number generation. It is' ' useful only when each run should generate the exact same' ' result. If 0, a new seed is used at each run.' ), check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_non_negative), ), ParameterTuple( name='bootstrap_samples', value=100, type=int, section='Estimation', description=('int: number of re-estimations for bootstrap sampling.'), check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_non_negative), ), ParameterTuple( name='max_number_parameters_to_report', value=15, type=int, section='Estimation', description=( 'int: maximum number of parameters to report during the estimation.' ), check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_non_negative), ), ParameterTuple( name='save_iterations', value=True, type=bool, section='Estimation', description=( 'bool: If True, the current iterate is saved after' ' each iteration, in a file named' ' ``__[modelName].iter``, where' ' ``[modelName]`` is the name given to the' ' model. If such a file exists, the starting' ' values for the estimation are replaced by' ' the values saved in the file.' ), check=(cp.is_boolean,), ), ParameterTuple( name='maximum_number_catalog_expressions', value=100, type=int, section='Estimation', description=( 'If the expression contrains catalogs, the parameter sets an ' 'upper bound of the total number of possible combinations ' 'that can be estimated in the same loop.' ), check=( cp.is_integer, cp.is_positive, ), ), ParameterTuple( name='optimization_algorithm', value='simple_bounds', type=str, section='Estimation', description=( f'str: optimization algorithm to be used for estimation. ' f'Valid values: {list(opt.algorithms.keys())}' ), check=(cp.check_algo_name,), ), ParameterTuple( name='second_derivatives', value=1.0, type=float, section='SimpleBounds', description=( 'float: proportion (between 0 and 1) of iterations when the ' 'analytical Hessian is calculated' ), check=(cp.zero_one, cp.is_number), ), ParameterTuple( name='tolerance', value=np.finfo(np.float64).eps ** 0.3333, type=float, section='SimpleBounds', description='float: the algorithm stops when this precision is reached', check=(cp.is_number,), ), ParameterTuple( name='max_iterations', value=100, type=int, section='SimpleBounds', description='int: maximum number of iterations', check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_positive), ), ParameterTuple( name='infeasible_cg', value=False, type=bool, section='SimpleBounds', description=( 'If True, the conjugate gradient algorithm may generate ' 'infeasible solutiona until termination. The result will ' 'then be projected on the feasible domain. If False, the ' 'algorithm stops as soon as an infeasible iterate is ' 'generated' ), check=(cp.is_boolean,), ), ParameterTuple( name='initial_radius', value=10, type=float, section='SimpleBounds', description='Initial radius of the trust region', check=(cp.is_number, cp.is_positive), ), ParameterTuple( name='steptol', value=1.0e-5, type=float, section='SimpleBounds', description=( 'The algorithm stops when the relative change in x is below ' 'this threshold. Basically, if p significant digits of x ' 'are needed, steptol should be set to 1.0e-p.' ), check=(cp.is_number, cp.is_positive), ), ParameterTuple( name='enlarging_factor', value=10, type=float, section='SimpleBounds', description=( 'If an iteration is very successful, the radius of ' 'the trust region is multiplied by this factor' ), check=(cp.is_number, cp.is_positive), ), ParameterTuple( name='dogleg', value=True, type=bool, section='TrustRegion', description=( 'bool: choice of the method to solve the trust region subproblem. ' 'True: dogleg. False: truncated conjugate gradient.' ), check=(cp.is_boolean,), ), ParameterTuple( name='number_of_neighbors', value=20, type=int, section='AssistedSpecification', description=( 'int: maximum number of neighbors that are visited by the VNS algorithm.' ), check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_non_negative), ), ParameterTuple( name='largest_neighborhood', value=20, type=int, section='AssistedSpecification', description=( 'int: size of the largest neighborhood copnsidered by the Variable ' 'Neighborhood Search (VNS) algorithm.' ), check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_non_negative), ), ParameterTuple( name='maximum_attempts', value=100, type=int, section='AssistedSpecification', description=( 'int: an attempts consists in selecting a solution in the Pareto ' 'set, and trying to improve it. The parameter imposes an upper bound ' 'on the total number of attempts, irrespectively if they are ' 'successful or not.' ), check=(cp.is_integer, cp.is_non_negative), ), )