Source code for biogeme.assisted


:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Sun Mar 19 17:06:29 2023

New version of the assisted specification using Catalogs

import logging
from biogeme_optimization.vns import vns, ParetoClass
from biogeme_optimization.pareto import Pareto, SetElement, DATE_TIME_STRING
from biogeme_optimization.neighborhood import Neighborhood
from biogeme.biogeme import BIOGEME
from biogeme import tools
from biogeme.parameters import biogeme_parameters
import biogeme.version as bv
import biogeme.exceptions as excep
from biogeme.configuration import Configuration
from biogeme.specification import Specification

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Operators

[docs]class ParetoPostProcessing: """Class to process an existing Pareto set."""
[docs] def __init__( self, biogeme_object, pareto_file_name, ): """Ctor :param biogeme_object: object containnig the loglikelihood and the database :type biogeme_object: biogeme.biogeme.BIOGEME :param pareto_file_name: file where to read and write the Pareto solutions :type pareto_file_name: str """ self.biogeme_object = biogeme_object self.pareto = Pareto(filename=pareto_file_name) self.expression = biogeme_object.loglike if self.expression is None: error_msg = 'No log likelihood function is defined' raise excep.BiogemeError(error_msg) self.database = biogeme_object.database self.model_names = None
[docs] def reestimate(self, recycle=False): """The assisted specification uses quickEstimate to estimate the models. A complete estimation is necessary to obtain the full estimation results. """ if self.model_names is None: self.model_names = tools.ModelNames(prefix=self.biogeme_object.modelName) all_results = {} for element in self.pareto.pareto: config_id = element.element_id the_biogeme = BIOGEME.from_configuration( config_id=config_id, expression=self.expression, database=self.database ) _ = Configuration.from_string(config_id) the_biogeme.modelName = self.model_names(config_id) logger.debug(f'REESTIMATE {config_id}') the_result = the_biogeme.estimate(recycle=recycle) all_results[config_id] = the_result return all_results
[docs] def log_statistics(self): """Report some statistics about the process in the logger""" for msg in self.pareto.statistics():
[docs] def plot( self, objective_x=0, objective_y=1, label_x=None, label_y=None, margin_x=5, margin_y=5, ax=None, ): """Plot the members of the set according to two objective functions. They determine the x- and y-coordinate of the plot. :param objective_x: index of the objective function to use for the x-coordinate. :type objective_x: int :param objective_y: index of the objective function to use for the y-coordinate. :type objective_y: int :param label_x: label for the x_axis :type label_x: str :param label_y: label for the y_axis :type label_y: str :param margin_x: margin for the x axis :type margin_x: int :param margin_y: margin for the y axis :type margin_y: int :param ax: matplotlib axis for the plot :type ax: matplotlib.Axes """ return self.pareto.plot( objective_x, objective_y, label_x, label_y, margin_x, margin_y, ax )
[docs]class AssistedSpecification(Neighborhood): """Class defining assisted specification problem for the VNS algorithm."""
[docs] def __init__( self, biogeme_object, multi_objectives, pareto_file_name, validity=None, ): """Ctor :param biogeme_object: object containnig the loglikelihood and the database :type biogeme_object: biogeme.biogeme.BIOGEME :param multi_objectives: function calculating the objectives to minimize :type multi_objectives: fct(biogeme.results.bioResults) --> list[float] :param pareto_file_name: file where to read and write the Pareto solutions :type pareto_file_name: str :param validity: function verifying that the estimation results are valid :type validity: fct(biogeme.results.bioResults) --> bool """ logger.debug('Ctor assisted specification') self.biogeme_object = biogeme_object self.central_controller = self.biogeme_object.loglike.set_central_controller() Specification.generic_name = biogeme_object.modelName self.multi_objectives = staticmethod(multi_objectives) self.validity = None if validity is None else staticmethod(validity) largest_neighborhood = biogeme_parameters.get_value( name='largest_neighborhood', section='AssistedSpecification' ) self.pareto = ParetoClass( max_neighborhood=largest_neighborhood, pareto_file=pareto_file_name ) self.pareto.comments = [ f'Biogeme {bv.getVersion()} [{bv.versionDate}]', f'File {self.pareto.filename} created on {DATE_TIME_STRING}', f'{bv.AUTHOR}, {bv.DEPARTMENT}, {bv.UNIVERSITY}', ] self.expression = biogeme_object.loglike if self.expression is None: error_msg = 'No log likelihood function is defined' raise excep.BiogemeError(error_msg) self.database = biogeme_object.database Specification.expression = self.expression Specification.database = self.database self.operators = { name: self.generate_operator(operator) for name, operator in self.central_controller.prepare_operators().items() } super().__init__(self.operators)
[docs] def generate_operator(self, function): """Defines an operator that takes a SetElement as an argument, to comply with the interface of the VNS algorithm. :param function: one of the function implementing the operators from the central controller :type function: function(str, int) --> str, int :return: operator :rtype: function(SetElement, int) --> SetElement, int """ def the_operator(element, step): the_new_config, number_of_modifications = function( current_config=element.element_id, step=step, ) new_specification = Specification(the_new_config) return ( new_specification.get_element(self.multi_objectives), number_of_modifications, ) return the_operator
[docs] def is_valid(self, element): """Check the validity of the solution. :param element: solution to be checked :type element: :class:`biogeme.pareto.SetElement` :return: valid, why where valid is True if the solution is valid, and False otherwise. why contains an explanation why it is invalid. :rtype: tuple(bool, str) """ if not isinstance(element, SetElement): raise excep.BiogemeError( f'Wrong type {type(element)} instead of SetElement' ) if self.validity is None: return True, None specification = Specification.from_string_id(element.element_id) results = specification.get_results() print(f'{self.validity=}') print(f'{results=}') return self.validity(results)
[docs] def run(self): """Runs the VNS algorithm :return: doct with the estimation results of the Pareto optimal models :rtype: dict[biogeme.results.bioResults] """ logger.debug('Run assisted specification') logger.debug('Pareto solutions BEFORE') for elem in self.pareto.pareto: logger.debug(elem.element_id) # We first try to estimate all possible configurations Specification.database = self.biogeme_object.database Specification.expression = self.biogeme_object.loglike Specification.pareto = self.pareto logger.debug('Default specification') default_specification = Specification.default_specification() print(f'{default_specification=}') logger.debug('Default specification: done') pareto_before = self.pareto.length_of_all_sets() # Check if we can estimate everything number_of_specifications = ( self.biogeme_object.loglike.number_of_multiple_expressions() ) maximum_number = self.biogeme_object.maximum_number_catalog_expressions if number_of_specifications <= maximum_number:'We consider all possible combinations of the catalogs.') for index, configuration in enumerate(self.biogeme_object.loglike):'Model {index}/{number_of_specifications}') the_config = configuration.current_configuration() the_specification = Specification(the_config) the_element = the_specification.get_element(self.multi_objectives) Specification.pareto.add(the_element) Specification.pareto.dump() else: f'The number of possible specifications [{number_of_specifications}] ' f'exceeds the maximum number [{maximum_number}]. ' f'A heuristic algorithm is applied.' ) default_element = default_specification.get_element(self.multi_objectives) number_of_neighbors = biogeme_parameters.get_value( name='number_of_neighbors', section='AssistedSpecification' ) maximum_attempts = biogeme_parameters.get_value( name='maximum_attempts', section='AssistedSpecification' ) logger.debug(f'{default_element=}') self.pareto = vns( problem=self, first_solutions=[default_element], pareto=self.pareto, number_of_neighbors=number_of_neighbors, maximum_attempts=maximum_attempts, ) logger.debug('Pareto solutions AFTER') for elem in self.pareto.pareto: logger.debug(elem.element_id) pareto_after = self.pareto.length_of_all_sets() self.pareto.dump()'Pareto file has been updated: {self.pareto.filename}') f'Before the algorithm: {pareto_before[1]} models, ' f'with {pareto_before[0]} Pareto.' ) f'After the algorithm: {pareto_after[1]} models, ' f'with {pareto_after[0]} Pareto.' ) # Postprocessing 'VNS algorithm completed. Postprocessing of the Pareto optimal solutions' ) post_processing = ParetoPostProcessing( biogeme_object=self.biogeme_object, pareto_file_name=self.pareto.filename ) estimation_results = post_processing.reestimate() post_processing.log_statistics() return estimation_results