Source code for biogeme.assisted


:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Sun Mar 19 17:06:29 2023

New version of the assisted specification using Catalogs

import logging
import random
from biogeme import vns, biogeme, tools
import biogeme.exceptions as excep
from biogeme.vns import ParetoClass
from biogeme.pareto import Pareto
from biogeme.configuration import Configuration
from biogeme.specification import Specification

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Operators

[docs]def modify_several_catalogs(selected_catalogs, element, step): """Modify several catalogs in the specification :param selected_catalogs: names of the catalogs to be modified. If a name does not appear in the current configuration, it is ignored. :type selected_catalogs: set(str) :param element: ID of the current specification :type element: class SetElement :param step: shift to apply to each catalog :type step: int :param size: number of catalofs to modify :type size: int :return: Id of the neighbor, and actual number of modifications :rtype: tuple(SetElement, int) """ specification = Specification.from_string_id(element.element_id) number_of_modifications = specification.expression.modify_catalogs( selected_catalogs, step=step, circular=True ) new_specification = Specification(specification.expression.current_configuration()) return new_specification.get_element(), number_of_modifications
[docs]def modify_random_catalogs(element, step, size=1): """Modify several catalogs in the specification :param element: ID of the current specification :type element: class SetElement :param step: shift to apply to each catalog :type step: int :param size: number of catalofs to modify :type size: int :return: Id of the neighbor, and actual number of modifications :rtype: tuple(SetElement, int) """ specification = Specification.from_string_id(element.element_id) the_catalogs = list(specification.configuration.set_of_catalogs()) actual_size = max(size, len(the_catalogs)) the_selected_catalogs = set(random.choices(the_catalogs, k=actual_size)) return modify_several_catalogs( selected_catalogs=the_selected_catalogs, element=element, step=step )
[docs]def increase_configuration(catalog_name, element, size=1): """Change the configuration of a catalog :param catalog_name: name of the catalog to modify :type catalog_name: str :param element: ID of the current specification :type element: class SetElement :param size: number of increments to apply :type size: int :return: Representation of the new specification, and number of changes actually made :rtype: tuple(class SetElement, int) """ return modify_several_catalogs( selected_catalogs={catalog_name}, element=element, step=size )
[docs]def decrease_configuration(catalog_name, element, size=1): """Change the configuration of a catalog :param catalog_name: name of the catalog to modify :type catalog_name: str :param element: ID of the current specification :type element: class SetElement :param size: number of increments to apply :type size: int :return: Representation of the new specification, and number of changes actually made :rtype: tuple(class SetElement, int) """ return modify_several_catalogs( selected_catalogs={catalog_name}, element=element, step=-size )
[docs]def increment_several_catalogs(element, size=1): """Increment several catalogs in the specification :param element: ID of the current specification :type element: class SetElement :param size: number of catalofs to modify :type size: int :return: Id of the neighbor, and actual number of modifications :rtype: tuple(SetElement, int) """ return modify_random_catalogs(element=element, step=1, size=size)
[docs]def decrement_several_catalogs(element, size=1): """Increment several catalogs in the specification :param element: ID of the current specification :type element: class SetElement :param size: number of catalofs to modify :type size: int :return: Id of the neighbor, and actual number of modifications :rtype: tuple(SetElement, int) """ return modify_random_catalogs(element=element, step=1, size=size)
[docs]def generate_operator(name, the_function): """Generate the operator function that complies with the requirements, from a function that takes the name of the catalog as an argument. :param name: name of the catalog :type name: str :param the_function: a function that takes the catalog name, the current element and the size ar argument, and that returns a neighbor. :type the_function: function(str, SetElement, int) :return: a function that takes the current element and the size ar argument, and that returns a neighbor. It can be used as an operator for the VNS algorithm. :rtype: function(SetElement, int) """ def the_operator(element, size): return the_function(name, element, size) return the_operator
[docs]class ParetoPostProcessing: """Class to process an existing Pareto set."""
[docs] def __init__( self, biogeme_object, pareto_file_name, ): """Ctor :param biogeme_object: object containnig the loglikelihood and the database :type biogeme_object: biogeme.biogeme.BIOGEME :param pareto_file_name: file where to read and write the Pareto solutions :type pareto_file_name: str """ self.biogeme_object = biogeme_object Specification.generic_name = biogeme_object.modelName self.pareto = Pareto(filename=pareto_file_name) self.expression = biogeme_object.loglike if self.expression is None: error_msg = 'No log likelihood function is defined' raise excep.BiogemeError(error_msg) self.database = biogeme_object.database Specification.expression = self.expression Specification.database = self.database self.model_names = None
[docs] def reestimate(self, recycle): """The assisted specification uses quickEstimate to estimate the models. A complete estimation is necessary to obtain the full estimation results. """ if self.model_names is None: self.model_names = tools.ModelNames(prefix=self.biogeme_object.modelName) new_results = {} for element in self.pareto.pareto: config_id = element.element_id logger.debug(f'REESTIMATE {config_id}') config = Configuration.from_string(config_id) self.expression.configure_catalogs(config) self.expression.locked = True userNotes = config.get_html() b = biogeme.BIOGEME(self.database, self.expression, userNotes=userNotes) b.modelName = self.model_names(config_id) the_result = b.estimate(recycle=recycle) new_results[config_id] = the_result self.expression.locked = False return new_results
[docs] def log_statistics(self): """Report some statistics about the process in the logger""" for msg in self.statistics():
[docs] def statistics(self): """Report some statistics about the process :return: tuple of messages, possibly empty. :rtype: tuple(str) """ if self.pareto is None: return tuple() msg = ( f'Initial Pareto: {self.pareto.size_init_pareto} ', f'Initial considered: {self.pareto.size_init_considered} ', f'Final Pareto: {len(self.pareto.pareto)} ', f'Condidered: {len(self.pareto.considered)} ', f'Removed: {len(self.pareto.removed)}', ) return msg
[docs] def plot( self, objective_x=0, objective_y=1, label_x=None, label_y=None, margin_x=5, margin_y=5, ax=None, ): """Plot the members of the set according to two objective functions. They determine the x- and y-coordinate of the plot. :param objective_x: index of the objective function to use for the x-coordinate. :param objective_x: int :param objective_y: index of the objective function to use for the y-coordinate. :param objective_y: int :param label_x: label for the x_axis :type label_x: str :param label_y: label for the y_axis :type label_y: str :param margin_x: margin for the x axis :type margin_x: int :param margin_y: margin for the y axis :type margin_y: int :param ax: matplotlib axis for the plot :type ax: matplotlib.Axes """ return self.pareto.plot( objective_x, objective_y, label_x, label_y, margin_x, margin_y, ax )
[docs]class AssistedSpecification(vns.ProblemClass): """Class defining assisted specification problem for the VNS algorithm."""
[docs] def __init__( self, biogeme_object, multi_objectives, pareto_file_name, max_neighborhood=20, ): """Ctor :param biogeme_object: object containnig the loglikelihood and the database :type biogeme_object: biogeme.biogeme.BIOGEME :param multi_objectives: function calculating the objectives to minimize :type multi_objectives: fct(biogeme.results.bioResults) --> list[float] :param pareto_file_name: file where to read and write the Pareto solutions :type pareto_file_name: str :param max_neighborhood: maximum number of neighborhood investigated by the algorithm :type max_neighborhood: int """ self.pareto_post_processing = ParetoPostProcessing( biogeme_object=biogeme_object, pareto_file_name=pareto_file_name, ) logger.debug('Ctor assisted specification') self.biogeme_object = biogeme_object Specification.generic_name = biogeme_object.modelName self.multi_objectives = staticmethod(multi_objectives) self.pareto = ParetoClass( max_neighborhood=max_neighborhood, pareto_file=pareto_file_name ) self.expression = biogeme_object.loglike if self.expression is None: error_msg = 'No log likelihood function is defined' raise excep.BiogemeError(error_msg) self.database = biogeme_object.database Specification.expression = self.expression Specification.database = self.database Specification.multi_objectives = staticmethod(multi_objectives) self.operators = {} all_catalogs = list( self.expression.dict_of_catalogs(ignore_synchronized=True).keys() ) for catalog in all_catalogs: self.operators[f'Increase {catalog}'] = generate_operator( catalog, increase_configuration ) self.operators[f'Decrease {catalog}'] = generate_operator( catalog, decrease_configuration ) self.operators['Increment several catalogs'] = increment_several_catalogs self.operators['Decrement several catalogs'] = decrement_several_catalogs logger.debug('Ctor assisted specification: Done') super().__init__(self.operators) logger.debug('Ctor assisted specification: Done')
[docs] def is_valid(self, element): """In this implementation, we condider all models to be valid. :param element: representation of the specification :type element: class SetElement :return: True if the model is valid :rtype: bool """ return True, None
[docs] def reestimate(self, recycle): """The assisted specification uses quickEstimate to estimate the models. A complete estimation is necessary to obtain the full estimation results. """ return self.pareto_post_processing.reestimate(recycle)
[docs] def run(self, number_of_neighbors=20): """Runs the VNS algorithm :return: object containing the estimation results associated with the description of each configuration :rtype: dict(str: bioResults) """ logger.debug('Run assisted specification') logger.debug('Pareto solutions BEFORE') for elem in self.pareto.pareto: logger.debug(elem.element_id) # We first try to estimate all possible configurations Specification.database = self.biogeme_object.database Specification.expression = self.biogeme_object.loglike Specification.pareto = self.pareto logger.debug('Default specification') default_specification = Specification.default_specification() logger.debug('Default specification: done') pareto_before = self.pareto.length_of_all_sets() # Check if we can estimate everything number_of_specifications = ( self.biogeme_object.loglike.number_of_multiple_expressions() ) maximum_number = self.biogeme_object.maximum_number_catalog_expressions if number_of_specifications is not None:'We consider all possible combinations of the catalogs.') for c in self.biogeme_object.loglike: the_config = c.current_configuration() _ = Specification(the_config) else: f'The number of possible specifications ' f'exceeds the maximum number [{maximum_number}]. ' f'A heuristic algorithm is applied.' ) self.pareto = vns.vns( problem=self, first_solutions=[default_specification.get_element()], pareto=self.pareto, number_of_neighbors=number_of_neighbors, ) logger.debug('Pareto solutions AFTER') for elem in self.pareto.pareto: logger.debug(elem.element_id) pareto_after = self.pareto.length_of_all_sets() self.pareto.dump()'Pareto file has been updated: {self.pareto.filename}') f'Before the algorithm: {pareto_before[1]} models, ' f'with {pareto_before[0]} Pareto.' ) f'After the algorithm: {pareto_after[1]} models, ' f'with {pareto_after[0]} Pareto.' )'Non dominated models are reestimated to obtain the statistics.') reestimated_models = self.reestimate(recycle=False) logger.debug('RESTIMATED MODELS') for key in reestimated_models: logger.debug(key)'Information about the Pareto set') self.log_statistics() return reestimated_models
[docs] def log_statistics(self): """Report some statistics about the process in the logger""" self.pareto_post_processing.log_statistics()
[docs] def statistics(self): """Report some statistics about the process :return: tuple of messages, possibly empty. :rtype: tuple(str) """ return self.pareto_post_processing.statistics()
[docs] def plot( self, objective_x=0, objective_y=1, label_x=None, label_y=None, margin_x=5, margin_y=5, ax=None, ): """Plot the members of the set according to two objective functions. They determine the x- and y-coordinate of the plot. :param objective_x: index of the objective function to use for the x-coordinate. :param objective_x: int :param objective_y: index of the objective function to use for the y-coordinate. :param objective_y: int :param label_x: label for the x_axis :type label_x: str :param label_y: label for the y_axis :type label_y: str :param margin_x: margin for the x axis :type margin_x: int :param margin_y: margin for the y axis :type margin_y: int :param ax: matplotlib axis for the plot :type ax: matplotlib.Axes """ return self.pareto_post_processing.plot( objective_x, objective_y, label_x, label_y, margin_x, margin_y, ax, )