Workshop on pedestrian models 2014


The workshop on pedestrian models is an informal meeting for the exchange of ideas around modeling pedestrians, with the objective to trigger new collaborations, or strengthen existing ones, and to expose the EPFL PhD students to the international community. The topics covered will include various aspects of pedestrian modeling, such as flow models (including fundamental diagrams), origin-destination matrices, simulation models, route choice behavior, walking behavior, etc. At the end of the workshop, a list of potential collaborations will be identified, with specific objectives.

Everyone interested is invited to attend. Presentations are upon invitation only. All participants, including speakers, must register (click here). The registration fee includes the dinner on Thursday, lunch on Friday, coffee breaks, as well as transportation on Saturday.


Thursday, April afternoon - Friday April 11 morning Presentations (program here)
Friday April 11 afternoon Workshop meeting /
Saturday April 12 Hiking in the mountains.


The easiest way to get to EPFL is to take the train from Geneva Airport to Renens. In Renens, take the light-rail (called M1) towards Lausanne. There is a stop at EPFL. The travel time is about 1 hour.

A map of the bus and metro network can be found here and time tables are available at the Lausanne Transport web page. Ask the hotel for a free public transportation pass.

Check the Swiss Federal Railways website.

To navigate within EPFL, use

Consult also the page "How to get to EPFL?"


April 10 - 12, 2014


EPFL Room GC D0 386


CHF 200


Mila Bender

Transport and Mobility Laboratory (TRANSP-OR)
Station 18
CH-1015 Lausanne

Tel: +41 (0) 21 693 24 08
Fax: +41 (0) 21 693 80 60